Chapter I

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(Author's Note: Italics are the dream sequences/flashbacks.)

Angelica wandered around the large ballroom with a glass of red wine in her hand. She and her sisters were certainly the envy of all as they glided gracefully across the room. As she walked away from the crowd, she bumped into a man whom she'd never met before. She looked up and instead of telling the man to watch himself, she said nothing. She gave a small, mental gasp as she took in the man's breathtaking features. Intelligent, chocolate-brown eyes that burned right through her. Eyes that could see straight past her professional, lady-like demeanor. He smiled at her and she melted on the spot. Long chestnut-brown hair pulled into a ponytail on the back of his head. "This is not a game she thought to herself."

"Good Evening, miss...?" The man greeted her whilst asking for her name

Angelica remained silent, still star-struck

"My lady, are you alright?"

Still silent

"Would you like to dance?" he asked her

"Yes!" Angelica exclaimed a bit too eagerly

She cleared her throat, "I mean, Yes, that would be lovely." Mentally kicking herself out of her dazed state.

They began to waltz around the room and people looked at them with awe

"You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied," he smirked as he saw her face fall and she looked put-off by his comment.

She looked away. "Excuse me? I will pretend that I don't know what you speak of."

"The nerve of some people' she thought to herself.

"Please don't be offended, all I'm saying is...when was the last time you got something for yourself? When was the last time you had a say in YOUR life?"

She looked back at him, astonished. He had told her life story and they had just met.

"My name is Angelica Schuyler"

"Alexander Hamilton" he smiled as he introduced himself

"Do tell me, where is your family from, Sir?"

His smile faltered. "Not important, there's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait, Miss. Just you wait." he said in a dreamy voice

"Would you excuse me a moment, Sir?"

He bowed and she curtsied. She walked away.

"My God! Is this it? Someone who understands what it's like to live my life? Someone who knows what it's like to never be satisfied? To sacrifice everything you've ever wanted for the ones you love! Maybe we should leave this place, take a walk and-"

Her thoughts were cut off by someone running into her head-on without stopping. "This keeps happening," Angelica grumbles.

"Angelica, Angelica! I think I'm in love! Is this what love feels like, sister? Do tell me, I wouldn't really know, this doesn't happen often for me..." she whisper-shouts at a very fast pace.

"Elizabeth, calm yourself. How would father react to seeing you make a mess of yourself? You're a Schuyler sister. Act like it." Angelica scolded her.

"Angelica please, you don't truly believe that rubbish father tells us, do you?" Eliza asked with a sly tone.

"Obviously not. Now tell me, who is he? My sister's in love!" Angelica tossed away that serious tone and giggled with her sister. "What does he look like?"

Eliza giggled excitedly. "He's that one over there!" she pointed to a very handsome man who- wait a minute

"Eliza, keep pointing, I can't see very well.." Angelica was very nervous. She had prayed that her sister just had bad eyesight.

"Ugh, right there Angie," Eliza said exasperatedly.



Please, God, not him.

"The one with the ponytail?"

"Yes, that's him! Isn't he a fox?"

"Yes..." Please, no

"I'll tell you right now Angie, this one's mine," Eliza said flirtatiously.

"I-I'll be right back. I don't feel too well, must be the wine." Angelica walks away before she could respond. She began to think. "Oh God, why me? Why can't I have something for me? I've always made sacrifices for everyone, when will it be my turn for someone to take the fall for me? If I take this man from Eliza, she'll be crushed...but if I don't have him, I'll regret it for the rest of my life... I know what I need to do. My feelings be damned, I'd die for my sisters and if giving up this man will be the death of me, so be it." She walks to the other side of the room with a dead-pan expression on her face. She found the man of her dreams and she grabbed him by his arm and pulled him from his group.

"Come with me," Her voice laced with a bitterness she failed to hide.

"Where are you taking me?" Alexander inquires.

"I'm about to change your life" she winked and heard the whooping and wolf-whistling of the soldiers in the room

"Then, by all means, lead the way," he spoke with a voice, smooth like silk.

So many reasons why we wouldn't work. I'm the eldest, no sons, I have to carry the family legacy. New York would tear us apart if I were to marry a man with no status. Status. I'm a Schuyler sister, that elevates his status. I'd have to be naive to set that aside, maybe if he takes Eliza he'll be satisfied, and climbing up the ladder. Oh, Eliza. My dear sister. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. If I tell her that I love him, she'd back away. Alexander would be mine, we would be satisfied, well one of us would be.

"E-Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you, good sir." Eliza spoke in a nervous tone

"The pleasure is all mine, my lady. Schuyler though?"

"My sister." Angelica cut in

"Thank you f-for your service."

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it" Alexander kissed her hand and looked deeply into her eyes in doing so

Too heartbroken to keep looking, she left. "I'll leave you to it" Angelica runs to who knows where and plops herself on the bench of a fountain, far from the sight of others. She looked at the sky and there she saw Alexander's eyes. those beautiful, shining eyes. She would never forget them. Angelica closed her eyes and waited for a tear to come. Instead, she got a single tear and peculiar occurrence. She was in a completely different place. A dark pink, taffeta dress. Her bouncy brown curls pulled into a bun and she was cradling a sobbing Eliza in her arms. Outraged and confused to see her sister in tears after what she just went through for her, she asked. "E-Eliza? What- where- What happened?"

"Angelica, I... thank God you're here. I don't know what to do, what to say. Alexander- the children- that woman. I can't take it, Angelica." Eliza cried.

"For the love of God, Elizabeth Schuyler, who hurt you? Who do I need to hurt?" Angelica was angry, someone hurt her sister and from what she said it was either a bunch of children, a woman, or Alexander


A woman

"Did what I think happened, happen?"
"Angelica! Wake up, Wake up, Wake up! We're going shopping for the ball, Angie!" Peggy jumped on her bed in an attempt to wake her up.

"Margarita! Get OFF my bed!" Angelica shoved Peggy off her bed, and Peggy gave a big "oof" sound effect.

"Hmph. Well, father said get dressed or you're not going."

The ball, Angelica thought. The man, Eliza, crying, a woman...

Something told Angelica that this ball would not bring anything good.

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