Chapter XIII

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Eliza and Angelica were sitting on a park bench taking in the sights of the city and gazing at the stars in the night sky.

Eliza looked troubled

"Eliza, I know there's something wrong with you and Alexander. What's been going on with you two?" Angelica asked concerned

"Oh nothing! Everything's perfectly fine, we're fine. I'm fantastic we're a perfect family haha!" Eliza responded in a fast and panicked voice

"Eliza. I know you like I know my own mind. There's something wrong and I want to help you fix it. So what's been happening?"

Eliza sat in silence and looked down as she twiddled her thumbs

"Well, he never comes downstairs. He's never at dinner, he almost missed his own son's birthday, and he leaves for work at every opportunity. I don't know what I'm doing wrong he just- he just..." Eliza sniffles

"He just" what, 'Liza?"

"He just doesn't care about us like he used to, he never comes to bed and ignores the children. I guess he doesn't love us anymore."

"Eliza, that's not true and you know it. His work is very important but he still loves you. Everything he does is for you and your family. Is he a bit of a workaholic? Absolutely. That doesn't mean he wants you any less."

Eliza gave a sad smile and hugged Angelica. She thanked her sister, but as she hugged Eliza, Angelica had a bad feeling that felt like lead in her stomach

Something isn't right

As much as she tried to shake it off, she just couldn't.

Did I lose something? What am I missing?

She realized everything was packed and all was right with everyone else's belongings. So what was the problem?

Think, Angelica. Was something supposed to happen today? Oh. My. God.

Angelica's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. Her dream of the Maria woman, it was supposed to happen now. How did she know? In her dream, the date on Alexander's paper said 23rd of June, 1791. The time was about 9:45 pm

It's currently 9:43


"Stay?" Maria asked him in a seductive voice

"Hey..." Alexander stood there awkwardly


"Look, Ms. Reynolds I don't mean to be rude but I have so much work to do. I also have a wife and beautiful children, plus my sister in law—"

Alexander stopped rambling and thought about  her

Angelica Schuyler

"My sister in law looks a lot like you. Soft, curly black hair, dark chocolate eyes, and she's smart for a woman you know. You could take me to see the Mona Lisa and I wouldn't be impressed, because Angelica's the true work of art. She's a masterpiece. And I have no chance with her." Alexander described Angelica with a distant look in his eyes

"I see. Well," Maria grabbed his chin with her hands and made him look her in the eye "you can pretend I'm her."

Alexander was shocked beyond belief

"This woman wants me to fantasize this being Angelica while doing the do? I already do that with Eliza so, I suppose it's reasonable." Alexander thought to himself

So, Alexander looked into Maria's eyes and saw Angelica, or imagined it was her, instead. He immediately pulled Maria in for a kiss with no hesitation. He held Maria down on the bed and started working his way down

However, this wasn't the only thing going down.

The other thing was Hamilton's honor
Author's note: sweeeeet baby jesuuuuus this took for-fucking-ever to upload and I apologize about that. Did y'all like this chapter? Lemme know cuz next we're checking up on Peggy, then we're going straight into the Reynolds Pamphlet. We're heading towards Angelica's "rewind!" I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Kennedy Brown❤️

Rewind (A Hamilton AU/ Hamgelica AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat