Chapter XI

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-9 years prior-

Angelica was sitting down on her chair as she went through this month's mail. One letter caught her eye:

From: John Barker Church

Addressed to: Miss Angelica Schuyler

She didn't find it odd that she received a letter from a man, she gets them a lot. Especially from Thomas Jefferson, who she considered a dear friend of hers. Angelica opened the letter:

"Dear Miss Schuyler,

My name is John Barker Church. I am English-born and I am planning to get a spot in parliament.

I first heard of you when my acquaintances spoke of rich women in the Americas. I don't pay attention to conversations of such frivolity, but they spoke about the Schuyler sisters. They say you are beautiful and very intelligent, and I need a woman who is intelligent to match me in conversation and someone who is intelligent in the kitchen.

So, I humbly ask you for your hand in marriage. If you accept, I will be sending a ship your way for you to sail off to London and I will meet you there

Truly yours,

J. Church"

"Wow. What a stuffy, sexist, little bastard. Does he really think that I'll be an accessory for him? That I'll be some sort of trophy wife? To think he only wants to use me to further his agenda. I will never marry him."

"Oh yes you will."

Angelica jumped and looked behind her

"F-father! What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would never marry him. So, I've come to convince you. Think of what this could do for our family! Eldest Schuyler sister marries John Barker Church? If you marry him, you could have a voice. You're married to an important man and people will listen to you! You can talk about women's rights, whatever you want. Please, Angelica. Do it for me. For your family. For the women of this generation!"




"Angelica Schuyler, I will not tolerate this. You will marry him."

"No I really won't. You can dream of it, but I'm not marrying him."

"That's unfortunate, I already told him you were."

"You did what?!"

"I knew you would do this. I knew you would let this "women in the sequel!" notion get to your head. I will not stand for your frivolous dreams of women and men being equal ruin our family name!"

"You won't stand for it? Then sit down."



"I've planned the wedding date. I've told him you said yes. You are sailing off to London in three days time. Start packing."

"Father this isn't fair! Why should my life be put on hold for a legacy? I don't love him. Why can't I choose?" Angelica screamed

"Because you're a woman!" Her father screamed back at her. He realized what he said and covered his mouth

Angelica stood there in shock at her father's blatant misogyny

"I'm a woman? Fine. I'll marry him father. Just know, you lost a daughter in the process." Angelica told him in the calmest way possible

She walked past him and looked at him one last time

"Enjoy your legacy."


-the next day-

Angelica stood in a clearing in the woods. The same woods she and Alexander shared a forbidden kiss in. She told him to meet her here, for she had terrible news.

She heard Alexander walking behind her, and she turned around.

"Alexander." She greeted him

"Angelica." He greeted her

"You said you had troubling news, what is it, my dear?" Alexander asked her. She blushed when called her "my dear."

"I am sailing off to London tomorrow, for I've found a wealthy husband who shall keep me in comfort for all my days. He's sexist, boring, and I want nothing to do with him. But anything for a legacy I suppose." Angelica told him

Alexander was shocked. He put one hand on her cheek and the other in the palm of her hand.

"Ma chéri, you can't go. Say you won't go." He said

"I wouldn't go if I had a choice, my love."

He pulled her closer and kissed her one last time, before she was gone for who knows how long.

"My Alexander..."


"Please, don't forget to write."

She pulled away from his embrace, leaving a cold feeling in her heart. She waved goodbye and he gave her an empty smile as he waved back.
Author's note: ok, I know I said I know where this is going, which I do, but I think I'm gonna speed it up a little. Peggy has her subplot, but I think I'm focusing too much on Peggy and not the plot, which is Hamgelica. So, this is speeding up a little bit and the next chapter is going to be 9 years later so that we can get to the point of the story quicker. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Kennedy Brown❤️

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