Christmas Time Is Here Again

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Chapter 28: Christmas Time Is Here Again

25 Dec 1965

Well it's that time of year again; Christmas. Just like the past years 1965 has been eventful. Ritchie and I got married, the lads' movie Help! was released, the Shea Stadium concert was a huge success, little Zak was born, the lads received their MBEs, and George proposed to Grace. I swear every year with the lads just get more and more eventful.

Seeing as this Christmas was very special to Ritchie and I with it being Zak's first Christmas we decided to have everyone over this year. Ritchie was playing with Zak while I was getting dinner ready.

Ritchie waved one of Zak's toys in front of him. Zak reached out for it and took it from him, sticking the toy in his mouth. Ritchie smiled and picked him up. "You're such a smart little boy Zak."

I put dinner in the oven, leaned against the counter and looked at them. "You're such a great dad to him. Also can you make sure he has a clean diaper? Everyone should be coming over soon."

"And you're a great mum to our little boy." He lifted Zak more up into the air. "Uh oh, I guess someone needs a diaper change. Come on Zaky, Daddy's going to go change your diaper."

With that Ritchie took the baby into the nursery leaving me downstairs. I sat down on couch to relax, until I heard a knock on the door. Getting back up and going over to the door I opened it to see Harry, Elsie, my dad, Angie and Ruthie standing there.

"Happy Christmas!"

Ruthie smiled at me and ran inside, sitting down on the couch. "Pammy, where's the baby? Can I hold him this time?"

I turned to her and smiled. "Ringo's changing his diaper and he's still too little for you to hold on your own, but if your mum helps you I don't see why not."

She smiled and looked over at all the gifts under the tree. My dad and Angie then came in, putting the gifts they brought by the tree and sitting down by Ruthie. Harry and Elsie followed behind them.

"So how's my little girl been doing?"

"I've been doing good. Busy with the baby and all. Zak's quite the handful."

He smiled lightly. "I bet he is, both you and your brother were a handful for your mum and I. You two always kept us busy."

Elsie smiled. "My little Ritchie was a handful too, probably not as much as you two were, but he kept me busy."

"Oh, I bet we did. Zak's a handful, I couldn't imagine having two newborns to take care of."

My dad was about to speak again when I saw the front door open and everyone pour inside.

"Happy Christmas, Starkey family!"

I smiled and looked at them.

"Happy Christmas"

Everyone came in, taking off their coats, putting their gifts under the tree, and sitting down. Rydel came running over to me and sat on my lap.


"Hello little one, how's my favorite niece doing?"

She smiled up at me. "Good."

I smiled down at her, then Ritchie came back in with Zak.

John looked over at him. "There ya are Rings! We were wondering where you were."

"Just had to take care of the little one." He smiled, holding Zak and sitting next to me.

Rydel got up from my lap and walked back over to Bri. Zak then reached over to me and I picked him up. "How's my baby boy doing? How's my little Zaky?"

He smiled and giggled, grabbing onto my hair and yanking it.

"Hey, hey, can Mummy have her hair back please?"

I pried my hair out of his hand and smiled at him.

A few minutes later the timer on the oven went off and we all went to eat. After our dinner we all went back into the living room and started with gifts.

I sat on the couch with Zak on my lap, Ritchie to my left and Paul to my right. Zak looked around at all the gifts, he seemed amazed by all the wrapping paper and bows.

Everyone began to exchange gifts, starting with John and Bri handing out theirs for everyone.

Paul took his gift from them and sat it on his lap. Zak looked over at the present and tried to grab the bow from on top of it.

Paul smiled and took off the the bow. "It this what you want little one?" He smiled and handed Zak the bow.

George took the now off of his gift and gave it to Zak as well. "Now that the baby's amused, shall we start to open gifts?"

Everyone nodded and John smiled. "Yes we shall."

For the next hour we all sat there and exchanged gifts. I had bought Ritchie all new drum equipment, he bought me a ring with mine, his and Zak's birthstones on it. Mostly from everyone else I got toys, clothes and etc for Zak.

John picked up Rydel and sat her on his lap. "Well once again that was a very fun Beatle family Christmas."

George nodded, wrapping his arm around Grace. "I'd have to agree."

I looked over at little Ruthie who was holding Zak with the hell of Angie. He was almost asleep just laying there in her arms.

"Ruthie, I think we should hand Zak back over to Pammy now. He's probably exhausted from all of the Christmas excitement."

She nodded and I got up and took her from him. "Bye baby Zaky."

I smiled and sat back down with him.

"Well, it's getting late. We should be getting home." Bri stood up, grabbing all of their gifts. "Thank you all again for everything and Pam and Ringo thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome Bri, I'm so glad everyone enjoyed themselves."

John stood up and held Rydel. "Can you say goodbye to everyone?"

She looked at all of us and waved. "Bye bye!" She then looked over at

Zak and smiled. "Bye baby!"

Ritchie and I both smiled at her and those three then left.

Soon after everyone else began to collect their gifts and head out, just leaving Ritchie, Zak and I.

"Well, today was a very successful day, don't you think?"

Ritchie nodded and cleaned things up under the tree. "It was. And our little boy seemed to enjoy himself."

"We should probably get him into bed. He seems exhausted."

From there we went upstairs, changed him into his pajamas and put him in his crib, covering him up with his baby blanket.

Ritchie and I stood there watching him sleep for a good ten minutes. Finally after a little while he looked down at Zak.

"Happy first Christmas, Zak. We love you so much."

I smiled and kisses his forehead lightly. "Yes we do. Sleep tight, baby boy."

The two of us then snuck out of the nursery and went into our room, falling asleep there shortly after. Oh what a memorable Christmas.

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