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Chapter 16: Birthday

18 June 1965

Today is mine and Paul's 23rd birthday. Everyone was coming over here to the flat to celebrate and when I say everyone I mean everyone. George, Grace, Paul, Christine, John, Bri, baby Rydel, Brian, my dad, Angie, Ruthie, our little brother Mike, Harry and Elsie. It'll be nice having the whole family here, we never get to be together like this.

Anyway, I'm currently seven months pregnant. Let me tell you these have probably been the longest seven months of my life. Last month Bri, Grace and Christine threw me my baby shower, it was really nice and I got a lot of things for the baby. Speaking of the baby I feel like he's going to be a big boy. Within the last month I honestly blew up, I'm bigger than Bri was when she was seven months pregnant. I'm getting so fat and I hate it. Ritchie tells me that I'm not fat and that I'm pregnant and beautiful, but I know he's just trying to make me feel better. I'm fat and I know it.

I was trying to get the flat ready for everyone to come over. I baked the birthday cake and iced it, I cleaned the living room until it was spotless, I wrapped my brother's birthday present, I went to the store and did the grocery shopping; I did everything under the sun.

"Love, sit down, you need to just relax. I can do anything else you need done, you and the baby need a break."

"I'm fine Ritchie. Even though I'm seven months pregnant, I can still do things." I loved how he watched out for me, but I hated how people felt the need to constantly help me.

Ritchie walked over to me and pulled me down on the couch. "Pam, please. Just sit here and relax, you don't want to push yourself too much, it's not good for the baby."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, I was perfectly fine. "I'm fine, the baby's fine, we're perfectly fine. Now, let me get back to what I was doing." I tried my hardest to get up off the couch on my own, it was just too hard, quickly I was out of breath and gave up.

"See, now just stay here. Everyone will be here soon, everything's done, we're good." Ritchie smiled and placed his hand on my stomach. "How's our little man in there doing? Being good to his mummy?"

"He's doing good, he's been kicking a lot and hurting his mummy a bit, but other than that he's good."

He rubbed my stomach lightly, "I'm sorry about that, is it really painful?"

I shook my head, "Not all the time, occasionally yes though." I placed my hand by Ritchie's as the baby started kicking.

Ritchie smiled and looked at me, "I love it when he does that."

I smiled back to him as the baby kicked again, this time very hard causing me to flinch. "I'm glad, why don't you carry him around then? You can feel him kick every minute of every day since you love it so much."

He gave me a light grin and kissed my stomach. Hearing the doorbell ring he then stood up, going over to the door and opening it. "Hey! I'm glad you all came! Come in."

I then looked up to see Brian, George, Grace, John, Bri and baby Rydel. "Happy Birthday!"

I smiled that them, "Thank you! Hold on, just let me get up." Once again I tried to heave myself up off the couch and once again I was unsuccessful.

"Pam, it's okay, we'll come over to you." They all came over and gave me a hug, Grace, Bri and Rydel sat down next to me.

"How's our little nephew doing?" Grace placed her hand on my stomach.

"He's good, been giving his mum some trouble, but he's good." I then turned to Bri and baby Rydel. "And how's my little niece doing?"

Rydel smiled at me and giggled, she was almost a year old and was the cutest thing. Bri smiled and bounced her on her lap. "She's good, she's been getting spoiled by her daddy lately, haven't you?" Rydel then giggled again and looked up to Bri.

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