This Boy

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Chapter 3: This Boy

Hiya! So I decided that in this story every other chapter will be a flashback. I hope you like it!


Flashback...21 June 1961

Today's the day; my first date with Ritchie. I don't think I've been this excited to go on a date in a long time. Let's just say that the last date I went on wasn't that great. With who was this date with you may ask? It was with the one and only John Winston Lennon. Yes, I went on a date with John, but it wasn't my idea, I'll tell ya that! A few months ago one of my friends set me up on a blind date and it ended up being with him. I won't go into great detail, but let's just say we never went on a date after that.

Anyway, the date's in a few hours and I've been looking through everything in my closet to try to find the perfect outfit to wear. Every so often Paul keeps dropping in and questioning me about the date. 'Where's he taking you?' 'When are you leaving?' 'Do I need to have a talk with him?' He's worse than my dad and is so over protective. He's three minutes older, THREE MINUTES! And he treats me like a baby.

After about an hour I had finally found three possible outfits for tonight, I started  picking out jewelry to make when I heard someone walk in again...

"Paul, I'm going on my date tonight and that's final."

"Well, fer one I'm not Paul and two, why didn't ya tell me you're going on a date tonight?!"

I turned around to see my best friend, Brianna, standing in the doorway. "Bri! I thought you were Paul again, sorry. And now that you're here I'll tell ya, I got a date tonight with the drummer of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. Know who I'm talkin' about?"

"Ya mean that lad who calls himself Ringo Starr? He seems like a good match fer you from the way that he looks anyway."

Giving her a smile I then showed her my three outfits I had picked out; a yellow floral print dress, a light pink blouse with a skirt to match and a white blouse with a blue skirt. "Which should I wear later?"

She stood there looking at the outfits and then at me, "I think you should wear the blouse with the blue skirt, the color suits you."

I nodded, feeling satisfied with the decision and put my other outfits away. "So how're you and Johnny boy doin'?" You see, John and Bri have been dating since this July, they're the perfect couple, they are.

"We're doin' good, going over to Blackpool in a few days for a day trip. He need a break from the music for a bit. Speakin' of music, does Paul know you still play?"

"He thinks I just play occasionally for the fun of it, he doesn't know that I write me own songs and all that. Music's his thing and I don't want to take that away from him."

She shrugged and shook her head, "You're just as good as he is, I know ya are, but I understand where yer coming from. We don't want you two to get into one of those 'even though we're twins, we're two completely different people' rants again.

Right as she said that Paul walked in, "You talkin' about our twin rants? Pam's worse than I am with them."

"I am not, you are!"

He and I continued to bicker about who's worse and more annoying until Brianna finally got fed up with it. "Shaddup! Yer both are as equally annoying!"

"Am not!", we both said in unison.

Paul scoffed, "Anyway, I was just coming in here to say I'm going to George's. Have fun on your date little sis." With that he was off.

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