I'll Get You

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Chapter 15 I'll Get You

Flashback..7 Sept 1962

It's been about three weeks since Ritchie joined the band and since the lads let Pete go. You never realize how quickly life can change until it happens. With Ritchie now being in the band and with them having a recording contract at Abbey Road Studios they've spent most of their time up there in London. Yes, they're up in London while I'm still back home in Liverpool. I couldn't just abandon mine and Paul's flat, we need someone to pay the rent. He and I both agreed that we'd keep the flat in case we ever needed it, which was probably a smart idea. Ritchie and I are also working on finding an apartment or a flat up in London, we're really excited to get a place of our own even though we've only been dating for a little over a year.

The lads really seem to be enjoying being at the recording studio. I'm really happy that they're finally living their dream and are beginning to work their way up, but I sure do miss them. I decided that I was going to go up there to stay with them for a few days. I haven't told any of them that I was coming, only Brian knows. I had to check with him to see when they'd be at the recording studio.

I had just arrived in London, the two hour drive had become very well known to me. Once I had reached my destination of 3 Abbey Road I got out if my car and headed inside. Walking down the hallway I headed into studio 2, I saw the lads in the middle of recording and Brian and George Martin in the booth. I knocked lightly on door of the booth and Brian opened the door.

"Pam! Well you're here early. Come on in here, the lads are almost finished. You remember George Martin, don't you?"

I nodded lightly, "I do, nice to see you again Mr. Martin."

"Nice to see you too Ms. McCartney."

I sat down in between Brian and George Martin, the lads were in the middle of recording 'P.S. I Love You.' The lads sounded perfect with the recording. As soon as they finished the song George Martin gave a light nod and spoke into the intercom between the booth and inside the studio.

"Good job with that lads, it sounded very nice. I think that's enough for right now, you can take a break. Also, you have a visitor."

The four of them looked up at the booth to see me sitting there, their faces lite up.

"Pam! You're here!"

I stood up from my chair, leaving the booth and heading down to the lads. I was practically attacked with hugs from my brother.

"Little sis! I didn't know you were coming up."

"I wanted to surprise you all, I told Brian I was coming." I smiled and went over to hug George.

"Did ya miss us, love?"

I nodded, "I did, it was getting lonely at the apartment back home. Oh, and George, I have cookies in my car that your mum sent up with me for you."

His eyes widened, you mention food and he gets excited. "Cookies? In the car? Where's your keys at? I want me cookies."

I pulled my keys out of my purse and handed them to him. "Here you go, now make sure.." He quickly cut me off by running out of the studio, the door quickly shutting behind him. That boy and his food, I'll tell ya.

Right after that I felt arms wrap around my waist, oh how I've miss him. "Hello, love. I've missed you."

I turned around so that I was facing Ritchie. "I've missed you too, how has things here been?"

He shrugged, taking his arms away from my waist and grabbing my hand as our fingers intertwined. "Things have been alright, we've got a lot done. It's been lonely without you being here though."

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