Cry Baby Cry

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Chapter 22: Cry Baby Cry

30 Aug 1965

These past weeks with the lads being gone have probably been the longest of my life. The baby was expected to be here on the 18th, but of course he hasn't come yet. I've felt so uncomfortable since his due date, actually uncomfortable isn't even the word to describe it. I want this kid out of me soon.

A few days after they left I went to the doctor's appointment that Ritchie scheduled me before he left, apparently when I didn't eat or sleep enough it affected the baby like I worried would happen. I was diagnosed with having anemia which was robbing me of energy, oxygen and concentration while the baby took my iron storage to survive. I felt awful when the doctor told me and so did Ritchie and the lads, they felt like it was all their fault for arguing and causing me not to eat right and all that. Since then I've been slowly getting better and according to my doctors appointment a few days ago so is Zak.

Dr. Carter is really surprised that I haven't gone into labour yet, heck I'm even surprised. Zak has been kicking me 24/7 like crazy, he just wants out, I can tell, but of course he's waiting for his daddy to come home. Speaking of them coming home they should be back on 1 September. I'm so excited to see them all again, we all miss them like crazy. Since they've left I've talked to one of them at least every other day. They really seem to be enjoying it over in America which makes me happy, but I feel like something's going on over there that they're not telling us women about. Since the 25th every time one of us talk to them it's really short, like 'we'll be home in a few days, miss you, bye.' We all know they're up to something, but what?

Anyway, it was just another normal day at home. Bri and little Rydel we're staying with me for the day. Bri and I were sitting in the living room watching Rydel play with her toys on the floor.

"Only two more days till they're home, you excited?"

I nodded, rubbing my stomach. "More than excited. They need to get home faster so Ritchie can be here and then little Zak could finally come out. You're just driving mummy mad in there, aren't you Zaky?"

She smiled and patted my stomach. "Oh, he just likes to kick his mummy all the time. Anyway, when the come home I'm going to question John about what's been going on there. We all know something's up."

"I'm going to do the same with Ritchie and Paul, one of them will eventually break and tell me."

Bri smiled as little Rydel walked over to her as she picked her up and say her by us on the couch. "If you get them to break before I get John to let me know."

"Will do, same goes with you."

We sat there talking for a few minutes until the phone rang, I leaned over to the side table and picked up the phone. "'Ello, Starkey residence."

"Hiya Pam."

I smiled, "Paulie! What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing really, just packing to come home."

I nodded, he had that tone in his voice like all the others have had all this past week. "Well that's good. Hey Paul, can I ask you something?"

"'Course, shoot."

"What's going on over there? Every time one of you talk to one of us lately you have this tone in your voices like you're hiding something. What happened over there?"

There was a long silence on the phone, I could tell he was debating on telling me what happened or not.

"Paul, please, you're my twin brother, you can tell me."

He let out a sigh. "Fine, none of them are in here that they'll hear me. So here we go, about a week ago we had a day off and well, John, George and Rings did drugs.. I didn't though, I couldn't bring myself to do it."

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