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Jackson and I continue to write to one another for months, until after about six months of being apart I decide that this isn't just a summer fling and it is really going to work. I had put in applications in at the Safari camp and had a video interview with Jackson's mother, Elizabeth, and was even given an offer to work at the camp as a nurse. Of course, I accepted. Jackson sounded so excited when I told him I was going to move down there to be with him. The two of us planned a day for Jackson to pick me up from the airport and I was so ready to be in Botswana with him, I only packed two bags. Everything else I needed was either there already or would be cheap at a drugstore in town. When my plane lands I'm all too happy to get off, not only because I'm excited to see Jackson, but because I hate planes in general.

It isn't long after I land and get into the terminal that I hear Jackson. "Kat!" I turn to see Jackson running toward me, "Kat!" When Jackson gets to me, he almost knocks me over, first hugging me tightly, then cupping my cheeks and kissing me.

I smile brightly when he pulls away, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Jackson smiles back. "Do you still need to get your bags?"

I nod, "Yeah."

"Well, then, let's go." Jackson smiles, taking my hand before the two of us walk to baggage claim. Once we have my bags Jackson looks to me confused, "just two? Is that all your brought?"

I nod, "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. I mean, you had two suitcases when you came down on vacation. So I expected at least four."

I chuckle and shake my head, "I don't even think I used everything in those two when I was here. You truly underestimate my packing skills."

"Something tells me I'll learn not to underestimate a lot about you."

"Oh the things you'll learn, Mr. Oz." Jackson and I take my cases out to the truck. It is a red Chevy pick up truck, "new truck?" I look over to Jackson.

Jackson nods and pulls me in close to him after he opens the door, "Yeah, I couldn't drive you around in that old rust bucket of mine."

I chuckle softly, "I liked your old truck. We had so many memories with it."

"Well it's still around. And we can make memories in this truck too."

I nod and smile, "I know." I lean in and give Jackson a soft kiss. "I'm guessing Abe is excited I decided to come back?"

"Yeah, he and my mom are looking forward to working with you."

"I hope so." I chuckle as I walk around door, "I'd hate to think they're not looking forward to working with me."

Jackson laughs as the two of us climb into the truck. When we arrive at the camp Abe and Elizabeth are there to greet us. Abe walks over and gives me a huge bear hug. "It is good to see you again, Kat."

I smile up to Abe, "it's nice to see you too, Abe. You been keeping an eye on Jackson while I've been gone?"

"Of course," Abe laughs.

Jackson walks around the car, getting the bags out of the back, "He had nothing to watch." he sits the bags down on the boardwalk once he gets over to me and places a hand on the small of my back, placing his forehead against mine, "I'm head over heels and only have eyes for one person."

I giggle softly, "I hope so, cuz I've already quit my job in New York."

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