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Over the next few days, we are doing so any family things we barely have time to breathe. I can't help but think about Jackson in what little free time I have. Finally, we get a break from family trips and outings, so I take some time to relax on the porch outside my room, while Dove and Emma sleep the afternoon away in the room. Not that I blame them, we have been up before dawn and haven't gotten back until well after dark the past few days.

As I look over the camp I see Jackson existing a tent on the other side of the camp. As he looks around he notices me and waves, of course, I wave back, in addition to being bright red. Jackson looks around for a moment before coming over. When we get there he smiles his charming smile. "Hey. Haven't seen you around lately."

"Yeah, my mom is trying to cram as many things as she can into three months."

"Oh, sounds like a lot." Jackson steps up onto the edge of the porch and leans his forearms against it. "You guys have the day off?"

"The afternoon. We were up before dawn to walk through the jungle area."

"See anything interesting?"

"We saw an Aardwolf."

"So you guys really were up early." Jackson chuckles, "anything else?"

"Uh... I don't remember the name of it, it's a little lemur with really big, round eye, so it looks startled all the time and a really long tail."

Jackson chuckles and nods, "that uh... a Bushbaby. But if you guys saw those you were up really early."

"I didn't even wanna look at the clock when we got up or back."

"Are you free tonight?"

"Should be why?"

"Would be wanna go out with me tonight?" Jackson smirks, "Nothing weird, just you and me hanging out and talking."

I glance around and nod, "I'd love to."

"Great," Jackson smiles, "I'll pick you up at 7 tonight. See ya later." Jackson steps back down off the porch and walks away, looking back at me and waving as he does.

The evening Jackson arrives a little before 7, which to me is something very new, so is a guy picking me up and not just meeting me somewhere. Maybe that's the difference between guys in New York and guys in Africa. It's not that all guys in New York are jerks, just the ones I tend to date. My father answers the door when Jackson knocks on the door. "Hello?" My father asks as he answers the door. I had told them I had plans tonight, but I figure that Jackson would have come around to the porch or waited for me to come outside.

I can't see Jackson since he is behind the door, but I can hear him, "Hi, is Katherine here?"

"Yes, she is. Come in, son." my dad steps out of the way and Jackson steps in. Not only is he in a nice shirt and jeans, but he also has lilies.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith," Jackson smiles over to my dad as he steps in. When he looks over to me the smile fades from his face and is replaced with a look of awe. "Wow... you look amazing."

"Oh, thank you." I blush brightly and look down. Not that I'm in anything special, just a black blouse, jeans, and some ankle boots.

Jackson looks over to my father, who is smiling, before he steps toward me, "these are for you." Jackson hands the flowers to me. "I didn't know what kind you liked but..."

I smile and shake my head, as Jackson gets flustered, "I love lilies, thank you."

"There should be a vase in the kitchen, I'll grab it." my mother says, disappearing into the kitchen. She must have found it quickly because not long after I hear the water running.

"So, Jackson..." my father steps over to Jackson and places a hand on his shoulders, "Where are you taking my daughter tonight?"

Jackson looks over to my father and then back to me, "uh... dinner and maybe a walk afterward."

My dad nods, "Just know that I've been to prison before and I've got no problem going back."

I shake my head and scoff, "It was jail, you spent a night, and it was on a Drunk and Disorderly charge."

"Hey... don't say that, it takes away the impact."

I shake my head as Jackson chuckles, "Don't worry sir, I don't intend to treat your daughter with anything less than the utmost respect."

"I'm glad to hear that, son."

My mom comes out to the kitchen with a vase, filter about a fourth of the way with water, "Here, Kat. put the flowers in here." I turn to my mom and put the flowers in the vase. "When do you two plan on being back?"

Jackson looks over to me, "No later than midnight, Mrs. Smith."

I step across to Jackson and over to the door, "Okay, well, I'll see you later."

Runaway to AfricaWhere stories live. Discover now