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The two of us head outside and I pull my cardigan up onto my shoulders as I look over to Jackson, who is walking about a foot away from me with his hands in his pocket. "So, uh, did you enjoy the tour today?"

I nod and smiles, "yeah, I did. It was very enlightening."

"Oh really, how so?"

"I mean, it was nice to see all those animals in their natural habitat." The two of us chuckle and an awkward silence comes over us, "that and I didn't know elephants couldn't jump."

"Yeah, it really is an interesting fact about them. I'm assuming they're your favorite?"

I shrug my shoulders, "as much as I love elephants, lions are actually my favorite."

I turn my head to Jackson and see his face light up, "Really? I love lions. Did you know a lions roar can be heard up to 8km away."

I nod, "Yeah, I did. I also know that their babies are called cubs, whelps, or lionets."

"Yeah, and the females are ⅔ of their adult size by the time they're two."

"That I didn't know." I laugh softly as Jackson laughs and scratches the back of his head.

Jackson smiles gently over to me, "It's really nice talking to you. How long are you guys in Botswana?"

"3 months. My mom works for one of the timeshare companies and they wanted her to review the camp."

"Sounds like a good excuse for a vacation and what better place than Africa? What do you think of it so far?"

"I love it. It's beautiful. Its..."

"Breathtaking..." Jackson and I speak in unison.

Jackson nods, "Yeah, I know the feeling. I felt the same when I first got here and quite recently."

I blush brightly and look down as I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Oh..." The two of us stop beside the bar.

"Yeah, sorry that was a bit much."

"Don't worry. I like a guy who's honest." I smile and lean against the wall.

"Really? What else do you like in a guy?" Jackson steps toward me.

"Kind, of course. Um... intelligent." I lose my train of thought when Jackson runs his hand from my elbow down to my hand, lightly holding it, and I look up at him, "And umm..." Jackson looks deeply into my eyes and I wrap my fingers around the side of his hand.

Jackson shallows and takes a deep breath, "what about charming?"

I nod, still rather lost in his eyes, "uh huh.... That would be nice."

Jackson and I stay there for a moment, looking up into each other's eyes. As Jackson brushes some of my blonde hair out of my eyes, we hear Emma shout, "Kat!" As she turns the corner, she sees the two of us, "oh, sorry, I didn't know you were right here. Are you riding back with us?"

I look over to Jackson, who had stepped away from me when Emma came around the corner, he smiles over to me, "I'll see you later, I should probably get back to Abe before he gets himself in trouble. I'll see you later?"

I nod, "sure. Have a good night."

Jackson and I smile at each other as he walks away from Emma and I. When he rounds the corner Emma turns to me, her jaw on the floor, "oh, my God, were you two about to?"

I walk past her, "Shut up. I don't know."

Emma walks up next to me, giggling as she takes my arm. When we get back to the room she is telling Dove all about it. "So I walked around the corner and they are two inches away from each other, maybe."

Dove laughs, "why did I let you go get her, I would have loved to see that."

I roll my eyes as I sit on the bed, "I'm never gonna live this down? am I?"

The girls shake their heads and speak in unison, "No."

"Worst case we have a fun thing to tease you about on this trip." Dove laughs.

"And best case?" I look over to them.

Emma shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. Do you really like this guy?"

"I don't know, I definitely find him charming and interesting. Ask me again later."

"What have you two already planned another date?" Dove smirks.

"No, we haven't. But a girl can hope, right?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with that. Just remember we are leaving in three months."

Runaway to AfricaWhere stories live. Discover now