"Take me home. Now!" I demanded, not looking at him.

"Caleb. Calm down." He said lowly as he tried to reach for me but I smacked his hands away.

"I don't want to calm down. I also don't want to talk to you right now. Take me home or get your son to take me home." I hissed as tears run down my face.

He wrapped his arms around me anyway, making me struggle against him until my body just gave up and I weeped bitterly, tears spilling onto this stupid armor that put this distance between us. He just held me while I sobbed, breathing hard and rubbing my back to soothe me but it didn't work. While I had finally gotten an emotional response out of him, I was still going to be forced to sit alone at home, waiting for him to come back to me.

"Take me with you." I repeated, more to convince myself that I had done everything I could to keep him here.

He cupped my face, kissing the tears away and continued to plaster kisses all over my face. I let out a breathless laugh, snuffling and just letting him do as he pleased. I had to admit defeat and I hated it. He planted a final kiss in my forehead before he touched mine against his, just staying like this for a few seconds.

"Please stop crying." He whispered. " It breaks my heart to see you like this. I want you to be happy. I want to see you smile. I'm sorry I made you cry again."

"How am I supposed to be happy if you are endangering yourself?" I whimpered, making him sigh.

He frowned as he was considering his options and looking distressed as he made his decision. I looked up at him to see what he had decided on but he pulled away from me yet still held me tight as Hypnos teleported in, looking uncomfortable at having interrupted our moment.

"Did you say goodbye?" He asked as Erebus rubbed my back.

"He is going to join us." He sighed.

I just wrapped my arms around him, holding on tight. I wasn't going to let go until we were at the spot we were supposed to be meeting with the other soldiers in case he decided to trick me and just teleported off without me. I didn't know if he could still pull that off with me hugging him but I was just making sure. He seemed to notice since he chuckled quietly and just pressed his lips against my forhead again.

"That's a really stupid idea." Hypnos remarked. "Eris and Nemesis are waiting for us to join them before we are teleporting to our little meetup."

Erebus took my bag to look inside. I still clung to his waist, watching him take out some of my things. He found the shiny rock I had picked up when I hung out with Hypnos that sparkled if the light hit it just right and just stuffed it back in even though I could see he found it useless and wanted to discard it. Looking at it made me happy and he seemed to know that and let me keep it.

"I assume supplies are packed?" He asked, making Hypos nod.

He just grabbed me, his bag and his son and teleported to where Eris and Nemesis were waiting for us, all decked out in the same kind of armor with the same silver bident above their hearts to signal their allyship. Both of them snapped their heads into our direction and locked their stare on me and Eris even scrunched up her nose at me and raked me with a sneer. I guess she had more in common with her mother than her appearance and they shared their hated for me.

"Why?" Nemesis simply asked.

"He didn't want to stay alone." Erebus told her, making the corner of her lip twitch.

"Tie him up in the basement and leave him there until you get back but don't bring him?" Eris scoffed, glaring at me.

I glared back, making her take a step towards me. Erebus and much to my surprise Hypnos stepped in front of me to shield me from her in case she decided to attack. She apparently hadn't reckoned with Hypnos either and just snarled at him until Nemesis put one hand one her chest, trying to calm her down. Hypnos was right, she did have a lot in common with Thanatos, they both had that inscrutable blank facial expression that was hard to read.

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