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Continuing from 13...

"I'm not letting this world lose another Ladybug." Marinette looked at him with a blush then nodded.

"O-Okay." They both ran out the door, into an alleyway and transformed.

"Spots on!"

"Claws out!"


Both transformed heroes made their way to the Effiel Tower as quickly as they could, landing in front of Chat Blanc with the hostages behind him.

"Oh look what we have here..." Ladybug tensed up as he spoke out of earshot from the hostages. Chat Blanc smirked, "I gotta say Felix... You look good," 

Felix growled and clinched his fist, "It's Black Cat to you Blanc."

Chat Blanc chuckled evilly, "My my, aren't we feline feisty today?" Chat walked closer to Ladybug and Black Cat, grinning. "Say Felix. How's that other Ladybug?" Black Cat stiffend. "Oh that's right... You couldn't protect her so she-"

"S-Stop." Black Cat managed to hold back tears but was on the edge of breaking.

"Stop? Stop what 'Black Cat'." Chat was now circling the two heroes as they readied themselves for a battle, "What makes you think you can protect her? She'll end up dead like your Ladybug." Chat walked up to Felix and whispered, "I'll make sure of that..."

"No!" Black Cat used his baton and extend it into Chat's abdomen causing him to fall backwards a few feet away from them.

Chat chuckled manically as picked himself up. "You're gonna regret that..." Chat sprinted towards Black Cat at full speed. Ladybug ran over to the hostages as Black Cat defended himself against the evil white cat and untied them.

"Get out of here." She whispered. They all nodded and hurried to the stairs. Chat looked back to Ladybug and growled. He kicked Black Cat to the side and darted towards her direction.

"Cataclysm!" Ladybug turned around and dipped her body backwards, avoiding the touch. Chat stopped and stood a few feet in front with his back turned against her. He smirked then suddenly detransformed in Adrien and fell to the floor.

"A-Adrien!" Ladybug ran towards his limp body and kneeled next to him. "Adrien...Please wake up."

"L-Ladybug?" Adrien looked up towards her and smiled. He began to move his hand to her cheek.

"Ladybug! No!" Ladybug turned towards Black Cat. He hurried to the red, black spotted girl and grabbed her waist pulling her up before Adrien could touch her. Adrien snarrled and tried picking himself off, moving his hand onto a rail near him. The rail disenergrated under his touch as Ladybug stood in shock.

"H-How did he hide his Cataclysm...?"

"Damn it! You stupid black cat!" Adrien transformed back into Chat Blanc, continuing his struggle of standing up.

"Give up Chat. Please. I want my partner back." Ladybug begged.

Chat laughed eviliy, "You're so pathetic Marinette." Ladybug became rigid. "You think begging is going to bring Adrien back?" He laughed once again and looked into her eyes, "You break my heart, you leave me, and then you have the guts to kiss my pathetic excuse of a brother?"

Tears filled the brim of Ladybug's eyes, "C-Chat."

Chat shook his head, "I trusted you... I loved you... and you betrayed me" Chat snarled through his clinched teeth. "And now you're going to die."

Oof this chapter was intense to write😂

So we are 2 chapters away from the end and I most likely will postpone updates for the 2nd book until the beginning of March. Depends on a few things, but it will be worth the wait. Trust me. I'm so excited to shareeee.

IN THE MEAN TIME, while you guys wait, I just started on a mini story to keep you guys going until I get everything in order for the second book to come out.

And just a quick disclaimer about Felix. I had no idea that the original idea for this character was that he had a curse. I found out AFTER writing this story that Chat Noir was a curse for him sooo for the sake of this book and all future books, he does not have a curse and can take the ring on and off as he pleases. Thank youuu.


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