All I Want is You Part 2

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Heads turned and gazes shifted. A new figure was grabbing everyone's attention. A stunningly beautiful elleth was making her mark on the elves of Mirkwood. Whispers could be heard around every corner about this new elleth. Her golden hair shimmered with every ray of sunlight that touched it, her facial features were placed perfectly on her face, and her curves were easy on the eyes. To compliment her natural beauty, she wore a delicately embroidered gown and carefully handcrafted crown.

"Welcome to Mirkwood, my lady," Thranduil greeted.

The elleth smiled and bowed politely.

~~ time skip ~~

"Oof!" Before (Y/N) knew it she was on the ground with her book laying disheveled a few feet away from her.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy admiring the palace," apologized a fair-faced elleth whom (Y/N) had never seen before.

"No worries, I'm also at fault. I was too busy reading my book and not looking where I was going," responded (Y/N).

"I was so caught up in the beautiful portraits, ornate columns, and everything else that Mirkwood has to offer. The kingdom I grew up in has nothing on this place."

(Y/N) giggled at the innocence of the other elleth, "Mirkwood is a beautiful place. It is my home and I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else."

"I don't blame you. I'm Galadwen, by the way."

"It's very nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)."

"You have a very unique shade of (H/C) hair that is eye-catching; it's very pretty," the elleth complimented.

"That's very kind of you. It's not every day that someone compliments me."

"It is the same in my kingdom. I'm not sure if some are too shy to say anything or just don't think about others. Well anyway, I best be off. I have so much that needs to be done, but it was very nice to meet you." she said and trotted away.

~~ time skip ~~

Legolas had tried everything to try and stop the wedding. He even stooped to begging his father daily, but nothing worked. The wedding was to go ahead as planned.

For the remaining time before the wedding, just over a week, Legolas and (Y/N) were inseparable unless Legolas was busy arranging details for the wedding. It was less time than they would have hoped for, but what time they did share was spent together neglecting their important duties for something they knew was much more personally valuable. They did not know when, or if, they would be able to be together again the way they go about now. They occupied themselves with long walks in the forest, making flower crowns and lounging in the fields, practicing their archery and sword fighting, and, of course, showing their affection for one another.

On one of the last nights before the wedding, Legolas was propped up on his bed with (Y/N) falling asleep on his lap as he stroked her head. He drew his finger in circles across her temples and forehead, occasionally giving her head a message. He was the only one that knew this trick for relaxing her.

(Y/N)'s eyelids felt heavy as she watched the dancing flames in the fireplace. The crackling lulled her into a drowsy state, coaxing her closer to sleep. The sweet melody of Legolas singing (Y/N)'s favorite elvish love song accompanied the dance of the flames. In coordination of the gentle touch of his fingertips grazing her skin and Legolas's angelic and silky voice, (Y/N) was enchanted, placing her on the edge of sleep.

"Love, I need to go," Legolas said softly, "I can't be late again to meet Galadwen. I can't have ada thinking that I'm up to something for it won't end well for either of us."

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