"What happened?" He asks.

You sigh heavily and he kisses you softly.

"It's okay. You can tell me, you're safe." He whispers.

"I--I was running...so hard. So fast. From a creature. My lungs and legs were b--burning." You say, tears falling from your face.

He wipes them away.

"And then i--it was gone. I was in--in a room. It was dark an--and you called out f--for me. The l--lights turned on and you--you were..." You started to say but began to sob again.

He pulls you close again rocking you until you were calm again.

"You were in--in a pool of your own b--blood. I couldn't f--find where it was c--coming from." You say, your voice cracking.

He strokes your hair soothingly and looks at you concerned. 

"You asked m--me to g-go on living with--without you,"  You cry, "And then--then you died." You begin to sob again.

"It wasn't real. I'm right here." He says.

"It felt so--so real." You cry. 

"But it wasn't. I'm never leaving you. Ever." He says.

For the next several hours he holds you, soothing you and talking to you. He lays kisses on you and strokes your hair, massaging your back and shoulders. You feel so safe in his arms. His smell calms you and his heartbeat lulls you to sleep. He lays you back down, covering you back up. He leaves and heads to Deans room.

"Sam this isn't okay. She's having one of these every single night." Dean says.

"Don't you think I know that! I'm the one who has to calm her. Quiet her sobs, wipe her tears, stop her shaking. It rips me apart! I can't stand seeing her like this." He says.

You can imagine him pacing, running his hands through his long brown hair. 

"We have to do something about this." He says.

You crawl out of bed, standing outside Dean's door. 

"What are we going to do? I can't see her like this anymore." He says, his voice cracking. 

Dean takes a deep breath. 

"We have to keep her away." He says.

"What? Absolutely not." Sam says sternly. 

"Sam that's the only way she can be safe! Stop these nightmares." Dean says.

"I love her Dean." Sam says.

"I do too but do you know what could happen?" Dean says angrily. 

"Yes okay! I know." Sam says.

"Remember Jess, Sam?" Dean says.

You cringe at the thought of the hurt on Sam's face. Jess was his first love. She died years ago and Sam has never forgiven himself. 

"Don't you ever bring her up," Sam says angrily. 

"That's what I mean Sam! That's what's gonna happen to Y/N if you don't man up and leave!" Dean shouts.

You open the door. They both look at you in horror. Tears fill your eyes.

"You're gonna leave me?" You whisper.

Sam rushes towards you, grabbing your hands.

"No. Never. I am never ever going to leave you." Sam says.

He takes you from Dean's room to the room you share. You both sit down on the bed, him sitting across from you.

"What you heard, is wrong. Dean doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." He says.

You stay silent.

"But he's right." You whisper.

Sam looks at you in shock.

"Without me, your lives would be so much easier. You would never have to watch over me. You would never have to deal with my nightmares, you'd never have to--" You say, but Sam crashes his lips onto yours.

"Please don't say that. Don't think like that." He says, touching his forehead to yours and closing his eyes.

"Sam, why won't you leave?" You whisper.

"Because I love you. Forget everything Dean said, forget anything he said about Jess. I love you. I have you and I am not going anywhere. You are my everything. I can't even imagine my life without you. You're my life Y/N." He whispers, a tear falling down his face. 

"Kiss me." You whisper.

He touches his lips to yours passionately and lovingly. He makes you feel something you've never felt before and you know why he couldn't ever leave. He loves you. Real love.

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