Chapter 21 - School

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  I woke up this morning at 5:00 sharp. The reason why is because that's the time i normally get up at. I got a really quick shower and got dressed. I put on my usual attire for the Underworld. That would be leather jacket, blood red tank, faded out grey pants, and my blood red/black/grey converse.

  I left my hair hanging straight. I grabbed my phone, my purse, and made sure Demo and Anilo was awake. Seeing as Dennin sleeps during the day. Joe was up and so was everyone else. We all ate breakfast in a peaceful silence.

  "Come on, Joe. We're taking my car today and then tomorrow we're taking my bike." i told him. He nodded and we went to school. When we pulled up we instantly noted that this was a all werewolf school. And we just invaded it.

  We all pulled into a empty parking area that was cleared of every wolf for us personally. We got out and instantly got stares. I heard some clan members hissing out, "Mate" and "Mine" and soon enough they all looked at me to go retrieve them.

  "Grab your mate if you found him/her and bring them back here no matter what." i said, basically giving them the "Go ahead." Some of them shot off, grabbed their mates using their Demonic Strength and towed them back over here.

  The principal came over and greeted us all. "Alright there is only one rule here. That rule is never shift around humans. Other than that you are free to do anything." the principal said. We got our schedules passed out to us by the omegas and we all went to class.

  I felt the wolves staring at me. "Hey boys! If you see anything you like, you gotta ask Hades first!" i yelled over my shoulder to them. I felt their stares constantly and i just walked to first class. Me, Joe, Crystal, and Phaeon all have the same schedule. Just perfect!

  "Come on, Joe. Everything will be fine!" i said, all of us letting our wings out. We also grew our tails if we were half wolf as well. And that would be.... All of us. "No it wont." Joe told me. I sighed and gave him a side hug.

  "Joe, listen closely and listen good. I'm your twin sister. I will take care of us. All of us except Crystal and Phaeon." i told him and we both laughed. Dammit! I forgot that us being pretty much King and Queen of Angels and Demons we have melodic voices and laughs.

  "Come on, let's get to class." i said and Joe smiled. (skipping time and getting to lunch!) 

  Joe and i sat by ourselves when a slut and man whore came over to us. The slut went after Joe, the manwhore after me. Dennin, Anilo, Demo, and Alisandra. get ready to kick some ass! i linked two of our many sides. Dennin and Anilo being Joe's Demon and Angel. Demo and Alisandra being my Demon and Angel.

  I got a chorus of "Yes, Ma'am!" from them all. The slut instantly went to kiss Joe and that's the dead instant when Ali and Demo snapped. "DON'T YOU DARE GO AFTER MY BROTHER, YOU SLUT!" i screamed out, tackling her. She threw me off and i let her. I skidded on my feet in a crouching position.

  I looked up, my eyes turning a crimson red. She shifted into her pathetic little mud brown wolf. She snarled at me and i laughed. I shifted into my way bigger black and blue winged wolf. I flexed my wolfy muscles and i got lustful looks from the guys. Soon enough, Dennin came to full control.

  "Well, well, well. Looks like a fight is gonna happen and i'm not gonna stand by." Dennin spoke, his voice deep and mysterious as usual. I snapped at the pathetic bitch and she refused to bow down to me. Instead, she charged at me. I moved at unimaginable speed behind her. I quickly shifted to full on Demon mode. 

  Flaming red hair going down to black, blood red eyes, beautiful, skin showing, ripped up dress, and blood red combat boots. I also had a Thestral's wings and all in all, i looked amazing! I charged at her and leaped in the air. I landed behind her and jumped onto her back.

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