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❖ Name: Leah / cocoagirl08

❖ Age: 13

❖ How Did You Get Into Writing?: I started in 2nd or 3rd grade writing my own versions of fairytales like "The Frog Prince" and "Cinpurrella" (I was obsessed with cats...), and then I wrote my first original the summer between 3rd and 4th.

❖ What Inspired You?: My first inspiration came from classic fairytales, and as I got older, I was inspired by things like wizards and dragons and stuff like that. Now my inspiration comes mainly from books/novels like "The Hunger Games" and "Incarceron".

❖ What Are Your Thoughts On Wattpad?: It's a great place to get feedback on your writing and to get it out there without going through the long process of publishing and editing and all that kind of stuff. (Trust me when I say: The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.) It's also a great way to connect with other readers and writers, and to connect in general.

❖ How Did You Find Wattpad?: My cousin and one of my friends from school both used it and were talking about it and posting on Facebook about it and stuff, so I eventually was compelled to join and see what all the buzz was about. I'm glad I did :D

❖ Major Turn Offs In Stories: Spelling and grammar mistakes are a HUGE one. Also, I'm not into cliche stories. Basically, if the grammar is so bad that I can't even finish the chapter, that's when you know it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

❖ What You like In Stories: Original ideas, correct spelling/grammar, realistic characters, good writing style.

❖ Do You Speak or/and write stories in another language? If So, What?: No... I have a secret language with some of my friends, but it's not exactly what you would call "real". Meh.

❖ Have You entered The Watty Awards before?: No, but I'm planning to at some point :)

❖ Are You entering The Watty Awards this year?: Nope. :/

❖ Favorite genres to write: Dystopian, anything dark and mysterious... but I'm planning a new story that's Teen Fiction / Romance, so that should be, erm, interesting ;)

❖ More of an author, reader, graphic designer or critic?: I've dabbled in all of them, actually. I'm a writer for life <3

❖ Favorite Authors On Wattpad?: A couple of my favorites are @Elisakat, @MorganaTheWitch, and @NaTTyKiinz.

❖ How Many Books Have You Written So Far On Wattpad?: I'm working on my first, and I already posted my second, but haven't started on it yet.

❖ Story You're currently working on?: "My Name is Midnight".

❖ One of Your Stories:

"My Name is Midnight"

Anissa lives in a world torn by war, ruled by a government that has declared her and countless others to be Palterers- taking their citizenship and all they have, and leaving them in the streets to starve. She survives by living in a group with some of the other Palterers in the ruins of New York City, salvaging food scraps and clothing and living by the same careful routine, hoping against hope that she won't be caught. But one day, at the brink of death or capture, she meets a boy named Midnight- a boy that will change her life forever.

Think. Feel. Interview. | 2012 edition |Where stories live. Discover now