can you see through the tears?

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A wounded animal was unstable and dangerous. It would rip you apart if it was cornered. En Dwi shouldn't have cornered Loki. Or Loki shouldn't have let himself be cornered for the sake of his own life and his brother's (so whose fault was that? Grandmaster or the broken God of Mischief?) Anyway, if said wounded dog bit its owner, there sure would be a consequence.


"Care to explain what was that little stunt you pulled about?" The Grandmaster busted through the door. He looked unhappy. Very unhappy it would have frozen every atom of Loki's body in fear, if he wasn't pushed beyond the edge to the point he could feel his own blood boiling in pure rage.

Loki was... well, pretty much naked and chained up to the king sized bed. And he reached his limits. After being used as a sex slave for countless nights to please whatever species desired him, he reached his limits, and like a time bomb, he exploded. That luckless Kree didn't particularly do anything wrong - except for the fact he brought the Prince of Asgard for the night - when he ordered Loki all chained up waiting for him like a piece of grade A meat, the only problem was that Loki have had enough: he lost control of himself, and might have used his own teeth as the only weapon he had, and buried it deep inside the alien's skin around his neck when he crawled on top of him.

That Kree was unhappy, and that meant no payment given to the Grandmaster which made the Grandmaster unhappy. And that's the story.

"Loki" Uh oh, En Dwi called him by his real name, not Lolo. That meant he was real mad. Loki would better start begging for forgiveness, but instead, he was panting hard. Blood - the Kree's blood - smeared around his mouth, around his chin it would have turned En Dwi on if he wasn't so mad at those shit load of money Loki lost him. Yes, both of them were just as furious. "I believe I asked you a question." His owner added when there still hadn't been any response from Loki. He stood still with arms crossed around his chest. The God of Mischief may be one of his favorite toys, but he wasn't going to just let him off the hook for such affront.

"I am not... your pet." Loki spoke through gritted teeth, murderous eyes bored hole through Grandmaster's skull. Holy shit, he's fucking hot when he's all angry. Grandmaster took a mental note. Still, he needed to be punished.

"You are a pet, Loki. A thing. My thing." En Dwi explained in a voice that made it sound like Loki was a five-year-old toddler who had trouble learning things. "Might I remind you the only reason you're alive is... well... because of me. Your brother made a deal, and here let me get this into your pretty little head: I own you. Both of you. And I do not appreciate your little rebellious action you pulled. You're not in any position to have a say in anything. It's me. All me. I'm in charge. Here you're powerless, clawless, helpless and under my mercy. I will not tolerate this-"

"Well put your throat in range of my teeth and I'll show you how helpless I am!" Loki snapped and as soon as he let the words out, he realized immediately that was a mistake. A huge mistake. Suddenly, all the anger disappeared from his eyes, replaced by fear. His face turned pale, ghostly pale. What had he done? No one never ever spoke to Grandmaster like that and got away with it. No one.

"Well..." En Dwi trailed off. He was calm. Too calm it was terrifying, and Loki's entire body began shuddering. Minutes earlier he was shaking from rage, now he was trembling like a leaf from fear, fear of the predator in front of him. "That's a shame..."

"No..." Loki shook his head from side to side violently. He started to hyperventilate, his breathing came out fast, though he couldn't feel any oxygen reaching his lungs at all. "I... I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" It took him this long to start begging. Too late now.

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