don't wake me just yet

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The Grandmaster and the Krees looked taken aback by Thor's unexpectedly appearance, but the confused look on the planet ruler's face lasted for only a few seconds before it got replaced by that smug smile Thor wanted nothing more than to rip it out, to rip out En Dwi's head from his shoulders altogether.

"What is this, Sparkles? I... ughh... I thought we had  a deal? How about you sit down and relax? Have a drink?" En Dwi stepped forward, literally over Loki's body on the floor. His yellow robe dragged along Thor's brother's naked skin and it drove Thor over the edge. The God of Thunder started seeing red spots everywhere. Never once in the thousand years of his life that he wanted to kill so bad.

"You stay away from him. All of you." The deranged God spoke through his gritted teeth. Those thunders in his eyes only got brighter.

"Hey hey hey was that an order? Because... ughh... because it sure felt like one, and here's the thing, Sparkles: I don't like it. Not at all. Here, I... well... I'm in charge. And you can't just speak to me like that. That's just.... that's not how it works. And I thought we had an agreement!"

"This is not what we agreed!"

"It's not? Well, maybe you should ask little Lolo. What'd you say, Lolo? Tell your big brother there's no need to be so serious." En Dwi got on one knee and lifted Loki's chin up with his index finger. The moment he made contact Loki immediately flinched. He was trembling, obviously wanting to crawl out of the madman's touch but was too scared to even move. That was the last straw for Thor.

"I'm gonna kill you, you son of a-" The second Thor began stomping forward En Dwi stood up and carelessly pulled out the controller. With one push on the button, the obedience disk was triggered and Loki started convulsing instantly. Seeing his brother in great pain stopped Thor dead in his tracks. He was horrified. The Grandmaster knew what he was doing: he used Loki to punish Thor, and it was working. Thor sure could endure it, if he was the one who got electrocute, but not Loki. Not his little brother who was already broken enough.

"Loki...." Thor wanted to run to him, to pull Loki close to his chest and just shelter him in his arms, but every muscle in his body froze. His poor brother was being tortured after those scumbags raped him. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this! "Stop it! Stop it you're killing him! Stop!!" Thor's voice cracked. He felt the thunders in his eyes fading away and tears clouding his vision.

"Well, that is totally up to you...." En Dwi looked almost bored. He lifted his brows at Thor and the Thunder God couldn't hind the fear in his eyes. And in that moment he realized his only choice was to surrender.

Thor slowly nodded, his head hung low. "Please, stop. I... I'm sorry. We had a deal. I'm sorry. Just stop, please...." His voice weak and pathetic. It satisfied the Grandmaster.

"See I'm not a sociopath. You just needed to stop being so rude and learn how to be respectful! We're civilized people here." En Dwi yapping on. He pushed the button again and Loki stopped thrashing instantly. His body went limp as he laid there, still and silent on the floor.

The moment Loki wasn't being electrocuted Thor quickly rushed to him. He dropped on his knees next to his brother and he didn't know what to do. When he reached out a hand to touch Loki, Loki flinched away. And before Thor knew it, he found himself alone with his brother as En Dwi and the Krees already left for the party.

It was just them: the broken Odinsons. Once respectful Gods. Now just a lunatic's toys.

Loki never wanted Thor to know, never wanted his brother to see his damage. Thor must be so disgusted now that he knew how dirty Loki was. Norns, even Loki was disgusted with himself! He was nasty and he was used. How could Thor call him his brother now? The last thing Loki needed was for Thor to hate him. He couldn't afford that, especially after how destroyed he was. But how could Thor love him? How could anyone love such a low life whore?!

For a moment there was nothing but silence. Just silence and the sounds of Loki's breathing and sobbing. The only thing Loki could see was his brother's feet. Thor wasn't touching him which was understandable. Why would someone want to lower themselves by touching a dirty trash? He closed his eyes and curled into a tight ball, hugging his knees close to his chest. Thor still hadn't said a word, minute later Loki heard him standing up followed by footsteps walking away, and he wanted to cry harder, cry till he cried blood. Thor hated him. Thor hated him. Thor hated him! Even though it was what Loki expected, it was still hurt! Right now he needed his brother the most. Needed Thor to lay down and hug him like those times when they were children, but that was just wishful thinking of a child. Pretty sure Thor wouldn't want anything to do with him ever again.

Loki curled onto himself tighter. He didn't open his eyes. Though he figured Thor must left by now. That was until he heard footsteps coming back and something soft was being placed on him, covering him from feet to shoulders. Loki reopened his eyes weakly. Thor was still here and he had just tugged him in under a blanket he got from the bed just a few steps away. He didn't leave.

"I'm... I'm gonna carry you back to our room, okay?" Thor's voice cracked. Why would he even bother? Why would he still here? Why wouldn't he just leave Loki here to rot?

Loki didn't say anything mostly because he was so weak that even speaking hurt. Every inch of his body was in deep pain. He closed his eyes again. Second later he felt his brother's hands gently lifting him up from the ground with the blanket still wrapped around his body. It hurt. Even the slightest movement hurt like hell. Loki couldn't hold back a moan. His hands instinctively clenched onto the fabric of Thor's shirt as tight as he could. His face on Thor's chest. Suddenly it was like they were children over again, like he was a child again and, as always, Thor was his knight in shining armor.

"Shhh, it's okay." Thor whispered in his ear as he began walking, with him in his arms, back to their room. It was soothing. His brother's touch was soothing and his voice was comforting that Loki wanted to believe it really was okay, that no harm could come to him as long as Thor was by his side. For the time being, that he was being enveloped in Thor's arms, it really felt as though he was safe. And so Loki allowed himself to believe as such.

He pressed his face a bit harder against Thor's chest and let the sound of Thor's heartbeat render him into unconsciousness. They hadn't even made it to their room yet, but Loki already fell asleep like a baby.

He knew Thor lied to him by saying 'it's okay' but that was alright because Loki lied to himself to by convincing his own mind to believe it. It was okay because even though things weren't okay and they weren't safe, at least, at this very moment Loki was protected in his brother's arms, and he could put the rest of the world away for a little while. And that was the best he could get.

love me till I'm me again - loki odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now