Chapter 7: Magnus Bane aka The High Warlock of Brooklyn!

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Clary tossed and turned that night. She was seeing the memory whare Magnus and Jocelyn were talking about removing her memories. She awakes with a gasp.

"Hey. It's okay, I'm here. Your safe." Jace tried calming her down. Clary smiled at him and said his name.

"What? You all right? You still seem kind of freaked out." Jace turned into Simon, who had a confused face. She blinked several times, making sure that it was Simon and not anyone else.

"Simon." She said, wondering why she hallucinated Jace. She ignored it and smiled at Simon, at least she attempted to.

"Hey. I got you. You're okay. Must have been one hell of a nightmare." Simon soothed her, seeing how distressed she is. She ran her fingers through her hair as she signed in frustration.

"You have no idea." Clary said, thinking about her dream. It almost seemed like a memory. "I was strapped to this piece of furniture and my mom was there. She kept telling this guy to protect me, but then he reached his hand into my skull and ripped out my brain."

"A little Freddy Krueger." He replied, hearing her dream. A look of disgust was on his face.

"Tell me about it. What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" Clary asked, concerned about her best friend. She put her hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. He smiled back, looking away shyly as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Uh, I just really needed to see you."

"I'm really sorry that my messed up life put you in danger." She apologized, her head shaking as she looked down at her lap. Simon looked back at her, deciding to lie, "I'm fine."

"No, if those vampires hurt you I couldn't live with myself. You're all I've got left." She said, reaching for his hand. She squeezed it briefly and Simon finally looked at her green eyes, seeing guilt and regret just like that time where Clary accidentally dumped paint water all over his new jacket.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm totally grateful that your friends got me out before the vampires drained me of all my blood like a big gulp." Clary laughed although she sounded a pit pained. "But how well do you know this Jace guy? Can you trust him?"

"I think so." Clary said, sounding unsure. She knew she had to trust him since he was the only one willing to help her find her mother. "I mean he saved my life and yours."

"True. But I was thinking all the craziness started the minute you bumped into him at Pandemonium. You think that's just a coincidence?"

"Honestly, I don't even know what to think anymore." She says remembering all the things that happened since her birthday. She thought it was going to be her best birthday since she finally turned eighteen but it turned into a nightmare and Clary hoped her next birthday would be better, if she lived until then.

"All I know is I have to get my memories back. I need to know who I really am. Maybe I saw where my mom hid the cup, and if I could just remember I could save her. I just - I wanna put all of this behind me. But I don't know this world. I don't even know where to start looking. I'm just lost."

"Hey, okay. Look, start with what we know, okay? We know that dreams are remnants of memories." Simon stated, making Clary nod her head. "You saw your mother in the nightmare, before the guy was reaching into your brain."

"Yeah, she called him Magnus. I mean, it's completely random, I never-" Simon interrupted her, his eyes lighting up. He jumped up, his arm flailing around, accidentally hitting Silas who only groaned.

"Magnus Bane?" He asked excitedly.

"Maybe." She said before asking, "Why? How do you know that name?"

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