Chapter 5: Hotel Of Death!

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"Let me get this straight, we are going to infiltrate a vampire din and kill them to save Simon?" Silas asked seeing everyone huddled up around Isabelle who was searching for the vampires hideout.

"Pretty much." Isabelle said looking over her shoulder. Her fingers tapped the keyboard rapidly, making Silas kind of dizzy. Silas shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket that he found minutes ago.


"Where is he? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?" Clary cut in the conversation.

"Actually, no. That was Camille's outfit, right? They're locals. They're at the Hotel DuMurt, down in Gansevoort Street."

"Wow, so original. I mean Hotel Of Death? Typical." Silas says. Alec turns around to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You know French?" Silas nods at Alec. Alec licks his lips and mutters under his breath, "Sexy and hot." He said checking Silas out.

"And we came back here? Why? We have to go there. Let's go, now. Come on." Clary breaks the conversation again.

"We need a Clave resolution for that. The four of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves. And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. Were not." Alec grumbled. He walked over to Silas and stood next to him. They were about the same height but Alec was a little bit taller making Silas straightened his posture. Silas would have denied his statement but it applied to him.

"Alec, you can't just jump on all the Downworlders." Jace argues again.

" Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently. Right?"

"Seelies?" Clary asked in confusion.

"Like faeries. The fair folk. Add pixies, nixies, elves... anybody half-angel, half-demon. It's pretty much a catch all term. Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing. We've all got our things, don't we?"

"Okay, I can't listen to this. Simon's been kidnapped by vampires. I guess I'll just take care of it myself." Clary grumbles being the only person who wants to save Simon. Clary made a move to leave but Silas stopped her.

"You're gonna get yourself killed, dumbass." Silas smirked at the frustrated glare he was given by Clary.

"Then help me. While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering. Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?" Clary huffed at the shadowhunter's and demon's reluctance.

"Clary's right. They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now." Silas frowned at how Jace was whipped. His baby sister wasn't old enough to date yet. Even if he allowed her to date, Jace would not be her first boyfriend.

"This is a bad idea. I..." Alec protested.

"What, have you got a better one? Look, the vamps broke the Accords. They kidnapped a mundie. That's a big no-no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it." Jace convinces Alec. Alec signs and nodded reluctantly.

"Come on. Hard to argue with that. Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going."

"We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them. I know where to get what we need." Jace says walking away from them. They all followed him while Alec and Silas hung back holding hands.

"Whose grave is it?"

"Mary Milligan, born January 10th, 1802. Died, January 10th, 1878." Jace respones immediately.

"Wow, born and died on the same day? Cool." Silas comments. Everybody ignores him while Alec smiles in amusement. It seemed that Alec was the only one to notice him.

"All right, Alec, let's go."

"Wait, what are we looking for?" Clary stops them and asks.

"Cache of weapons. Stashed here with Mrs. Milligan."

"Why are there Shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?" Silas was starting to get annoyed with her questions. She was as bad as Simon while he went with the flow.

"Because all of the ancient religions recognised demons. Or at least they used to. They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them."

"Typical mundane failure of imagination." Alec says making Silas chuckle. Alec grins at how easily he made Silas laugh.

"Are you saying we did to good? You just can't let up, can you?"

"You know what? Alec, why don't you go check out by the angel? Silas go with him." They both leave towards the angel. They look around for a bit until their gaze meet each other. The intensity of their gaze burned each other in a good way.

Isabelle comes and breaks their staring contest and talks with Alec while Silas was in deep thought. He had no idea that his feelings for Alec was growing faster. Silas took that moment to check him out again. He would never get tired of checking him out.

"Alec! Silas! I think I found it! Mary Milligan! Beloved servant? Who wants that on a headstone?" Silas snaps out of it and walks towards Clary, followed by Alec.

"Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves. At least she is now." Jace says. Alec makes a move to open it but Silas stops him. Within a second, the cover explodes into flames and turned into ash making everyone step back. Silas winks at Alec who looks at him in fascination.

"Abracadabra." Jace says and brings out his Stele.

"Wait, you people actually say that?" Clary asks in disbelief.

"No Clary, we don't." Jace signs.

"Woah! Where's Mrs. Milligan?"

"Don't touch that. You don't know how to use it." Alec slaps her hand away.

"What, like at Pandemonium where I could've killed that demon?" Alec smirks and bursts out laughing.

"You would've cried and run to me to help you, Clary." Alec laughs harder at the boy who he was crushing on's comment.

"Alec, Silas . I'm gonna show her the right way to use it." Jace gives them a stern look. Silas rolls his eyes while Alec searches for his favorite weapon.

"Do you see what you need in here?" Jace asked looking at Alec.

"No. There's no bow here. I need one. I have to rune some arrows."

"That's back at the Institute. I gotta go." He grabbed Silas's hand and they began walking.

"Well, how are you gonna get back in the Institute?"

"Go in the back. They won't bother me if I'm with Silas."

"Okay, good."

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