Chapter Two

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Oh. My. Gosh...

I got it. After who knows how long, I finally got what I could write and wrote it! Well, not without the help of my friend. Thus, why it is dedicated to her >_<

Anyways, I'm so sorry for it taking so long! I'm only on chapter two and I already got writers block >_> that's sad...

Anyways, hope you enjoy!!! Vote, comment, fan, talk to me cause I love talking to people (No matter how shy I may seem at first)... whatever!



Chapter Two

“You sure got there safely?”

I rolled my eyes, but knew it would do me no good since dad couldn’t see me.

“Dad, I’m fine. I just got my suitcases and I’m sitting here, waiting for... uh, whoever was supposed to pick me up.”

I heard dad sigh form the other end. “You mean Lucy Hills?”

“Yeah, sure. Her.” I said quickly. “Listen, dad, I’m going to go see if I can find Lucy Hills, and maybe even get something to eat and drink beforehand. Do you have her number somewhere so I can call her?”

Dad recited the number back to me, and I memorized it before ending the call, quickly putting Lucy in my contacts. Looking around, I saw many restaurants and stores, and quickly decided to go to a smoothie place. After a while, I finally made it to the front of the line, buying a strawberry smoothie, and casually sipped it as I looked around, trying to find a person that looked like a Lucy Hills.

To me, she sounded like a bouncy, short-haired blond who looked like she belonged in a cheerleading magazine. But, that’s just what I find from her name. Of course, when I finally saw her, I was shocked to no end.

With long, black hair and piercing green eyes, she was holding a sign with my name on it. She was wearing black gloves, black Nike shorts, and bright pink shirt that said ‘Free Hugs’ with a little neon monster on it.

Walking towards her, I hesitantly called out her name. “Lucy?”

She turned her head, and looked me over. “You’re... Megera?”

I nodded, and she sighed. “Great. Another blond.”

She put the sign down, and without waiting another moment turned and started walking towards the exit. I struggled, carrying the two suitcases behind me, but somehow I managed to keep her in my line of vision. She walked through the parking lot, all the way to a rusty red pick-up truck. Opening the door, she didn’t even bother to help me as I tossed the bags in the back. Climbing into the passenger seat, I regretted thinking she was a bouncy blond. Actually, I’d prefer that Lucy Hills to this one.

“Let’s just get one thing straight.” Lucy said after a few minutes of driving in silence, “No matter what happens in that school, don’t freak out, don’t talk to the public about it, and, when the principle tells you to do something, you do it. No exceptions.”

I nodded like I wasn’t already freaked out.

“Also,” She continued, glancing over at me, “No matter how much you feel like you can trust someone, don’t. Around Ria, everyone’s a liar, no one is true. Make alliances- you’ll call them friends- but don’t trust them. They’ll end up biting you in the butt one day, betraying you in ways you never thought possible. This means no secrets, no telling them of your background or where you came from, and no telling them your weaknesses, got it?”

Glowing EmbersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon