“You go on ahead of us, Varick. We'll meet up with you momentarily.”

“Okay, Josef.”

He left, and then they sat alone in silence. She didn't know why he wanted them to be alone, but she had a bad feeling about it. Suddenly, her blindfold was removed, and she was able to see. She looked around immediately. They were sitting in the back of a car in a parking garage. There wasn't much else to see from where she sat, so she had no idea where they were. After a moment, she turned to Josef warily.

“In a few minutes, we are going to be in a room full of people. Now, I know you might be compelled to try to get someone to help you. Tell them you've been kidnapped, scream, run, or whatever it is you might be planning on doing. I, unfortunately, can't have you causing any trouble.”

He had that cool, controlled air about him, like he had, had when he caught her trying to escape only a few hours ago. Even though it appeared like he was calm, you could tell it was just a front. It was unnerving, even a little scary. If he was angry or upset or showing some emotion at least, you at least had an idea of what to expect. However, when he was like this, it freaked her out because you simply didn't know what to expect.

“I won't,” She said, quietly. “I promise.”

“Regrettably, I'm going to need a reassurance a little stronger than a promise this time.”

He removed his gun from his jacket pocket. The moment she saw it she tried to back away from him, but there was nowhere to go, expect closer to the car door behind her. He seemed to weigh the gun in his hand for a moment, then he raised it and pressed it against the middle of her forehead, while grabbing a hold of her arm with his other hand.

“When we're in there, this pistol will be in my pocket. So, every time you think about trying to get someone to help you, remember how this feels.” He cocked the gun, as if to add emphasis to his words, and leaned his face in closer to hers. “If you try anything, anything at all, I will kill you.”

She tried to stay calm, but the gun pressed against her head was making it hard to focus. Her eyes began to tear up, even though she tried to stop them, but she couldn't seem to control herself any longer. Seeing the way she reacted, Josef figured he'd gotten his point across, and put the gun back into his pocket.

“Well, shall we go, then?” He asked.

Vesper nodded numbly, she didn't trust her voice to work yet. Josef got out of the car on his side, straightening his jacket once he stood up. Then, he walked around to her side of the car, and opened her door for her. She figured if she didn't get out on her own, he'd only drag her out, so she stood up.

They left the car behind and headed through the parking garage, towards an elevator a few feet away. Josef held her hand, and although Vesper knew it was to make sure she stayed with him, to anyone else who saw them they'd just look like a couple going out for the night. He hit the button for the elevator, and the doors opened automatically. Then entered the elevator, and he hit the button for the floor he wanted.

“Oh, you'll also need to wear this,” He said, reaching into his jacket and pulling out two masks.

He handed her one, and put the other on himself. His was a plain, black one. It wasn't anything special, but it seemed to suit it. Hers, on the other hand, was quite exquisite. It was made from black lace, and it made beautiful patterns against her skin. She put it on, as requested.

“I knew it would suit you well,” He said, looking at her with approval.

The rest of the elevator ride they spent in silence, and when it stopped, Josef took hold of her hand again and they were soon outside of the parking garage. It was evening time, and they were somewhere in the city, though Vesper wasn't sure if she recognized anything. The sun had just set not too long ago, and twilight was settling on all of the surroundings. They made their way across a street, and entered one of the buildings across the street. It was a hotel of some kind, but she didn't catch the name of it.

Josef seemed to know where they were going, as he lead her through a hallway until they reached a set of double doors that were beautiful and ornately carved, that opened into a grand ballroom. So, this was where they were going.

Vesper understood at once the need for the masks, and the clothes. They were attending some sort of masquerade ball, and she would have definitely stood out in her jeans. Josef presented an invitation to a man at the door, and they were given permission to enter.

They entered the crowd of people, and Vesper was suddenly overwhelmed. There were so many colors and costumes, it was almost too much to handle at once, for each costume was more glamorous then the one before.

Vesper had to admit, the idea to try to tell someone what was going on did come into her head. It was tempting, for there were so many people around. But she thought of that moment in the car with Josef, with the gun pressed against her temple, and she shuddered a little. She couldn't risk it.

After a few minutes, they met up with Varick, and Vesper barely recognized him. He wore a mask with a large beak on it, and it was made from black leather. It was kind of strange looking, but it almost seemed to fit him. He walked over to Josef, and they began to speak quietly together.

“He's here.”

Josef seemed worried, and began to look around for whomever it was that Varick had mentioned. Although Vesper herself was clueless, they obviously knew exactly who they were talking about. She tried to follow Josef's gave, to see who it was they meant, but there were too many people around for her to see clearly.

“Is he with him?” Josef asked, with a strange edge to his voice. “Have you seen him here tonight?”

Varick shook his head. “Sorry, Josef.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” He replied. “Looks like we have some time to kill. Enjoy the party, and I'll find you if I need you.”


He walked off, and Vesper and Josef stood together watching the crowd of people admiring each other's costumes. He seemed lost in thought for a few minutes, so Vesper stood by his side awkwardly for a moment. He still held her hand in his, and when she moved her arm a little to maneuver out of someone's way, it seemed to bring him back to the present. He looked around at all the people having a good time, and suddenly turned to her.

“May I have this dance, Vesper?”

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