Chapter 19 {THE SIXTH NIGHT}

Start from the beginning

“What if she's hurt or has a scar?” he mumbled. “What if she’ll never walk again?” he continues closing his eyes again.

“I think you're being dramatic,” Serenity responds through her own chattered teeth. Kaden looks at her through squinted eyes and nods his head.

“I hope….”

As a exhausted Ruby Terrace lied in the pews of the grand cathedral a cannon went off.


The young girl, and her allie, Armie Stranger were near shocked as the loud explosion of sound rung throughout the interior of the cathedral. Another one dead, yet they wouldn’t find out who for the next several hours. Armie counted on finger tips.

“Twelve left Ruby. Twelve,” she said, sitting next to the girl. She looked over after waiting for a response. “Hey. Ruby.” she said, abrasiveness slipping into her voice. Ruby turns her head to the side, her attention being caught.

“Oh… Sorry. “ she apologizes, her tone quiet and soft. “Wow. Only twelve, that's kinda scary” she murmurs, her eyes fluttering open and closed. Armie looks at her for a few seconds as the girl seemingly begins drifting off into sleep. Armie takes a hand and places it on her shoulder, slightly shaking her.

“C’mon sit up Ruby. We’re not sleeping yet” she lightly commands the younger girl, whos eyes drift back open. Ruby begins sitting up, straining her muscles as she winces in pain. She struggles against the weakness of her own muscles for a few seconds before pushing through it and winning her legs over the edge of the pew, leaning back for rest. Armie looks at her with a light frown. The girl had gotten weaker and weaker since she became sick. Her muscles were sore and exhausted, her head hurt, she had no energy and vomited almost everything she ate. None of them knew what was wrong. Armie wondered if she had been infected through the gash on her leg. She knew it was improbable, but there was no other sensible explanation.

Armie stared at Ruby, whos small chest rose up and down as she near panted for breath. Her usual rich almond skin was pale and lifeless, save her red nose and ears Armie also had when exposed to the near freezing conditions even inside the cathedral. Her eyes, which were once bright and full of life were dull and lazy, as was er whole personality. She was dying, there was no denying that. The only question would be how much longer it would take.

“Are you feeling any better Ruby?” Armie asked, Ruby looking over at her with her dull brown eyes.

“I don't know Armie… I wanna try walking again.”
    “You could barely sit up”

“Please...Can you help me?” she asked in her usual sweet voice, the hyper life of it gone and replaced with the soft sickliness. Armie nodded her head.

“Fine, but if you can’t do it, don't blame me.” she snaps standing up. The much taller girl extended her hand, which Ruby quickly grabbed onto it. Ruby starts standing up, her legs shaking and swaying beneath her. Armie watches on as Ruby sways back and forth before gaining proper balance.

“You okay?” Armie asks keeping her eye on the smaller girls thin ,shaking legs.

“Yeah- i think so” Ruby responds with an air of hesitance about her.

“You wanna keep going or what?” Armie asks.

“Sure,” She responds as Armie slowly began leading her out of the pew, Ruby's steps slow and uneasy. With every step her face tensed up and contorted, eliciting light innocent whimpers. Once out of the pew Ruby smiled, her eyes beginning to lighten up once again.

“Good job,” Armie congratulated, looking back up through one of the long rectangular stained glass window. Silvery night light shone through the colorful panes of glass, helping illuminate the dim, candle lit insides of the cathedral. Flakes of snow beat against the glass sending small echoes throughout.

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