And while we're on the topic, did anyone else see Benny Benzy (APH_2P_England) and Ji-soo Seung (l3mon_tea) hanging around together an awful lot? Only a matter of time, before they find themselves caught up in....this ^

Marilyn Vietta (AnnikaWhen) and Malik Park (Roseamore13)gave us two different answers regarding their little rendezvous, Marilyn even going so far as to mention fee and armpits. Oh, Malik, for the sake of a good laugh, we hope it's true!

Our burning questions

Stars, we've got our interviews, but we still need some answers, here! Here are some of our most burning questions after witnessing it for ourselves:

1. Is Benny Benzy (APH_2P_England) a stone cold killer, deep down? He seemed nice enough, but he didn't seem to have any problems telling a viewer at home to resort to violence!

2. why does Nina Grey (-chasingstars) profess to enjoy working with Sylvester over Sorren? Sounds like it could be a love triangle!

3. Is Marisole Pembrooke (bellaboo-) taking any responsibility for her actions?

4. Is Clarissa Park's (Goondra) dance studio really so exclusive? Doesn't she want our money?

5. What's going on behind the scenes with street performer, Summer Mason (cultured-ambiguity), and why do we get the feeling he's hiding something about his past?

6. Why won't Caroline Crawford (-crazasian) tell us a little more about her failed marriage? Too embarrassed? Or is she still talking to her ex - husband?

Some of our favorite comments

our fans never fail to enlighten us with some pearly gems of truth and sass, and here are some of our favorites!

"Korea's favorite star, Lee Hoseok (-chasingstars), has been living in America for two whole years. Seems to us hat his ability to learn English is still crossing the ocean — or perhaps it sank, along with all his fan's hopes of getting more English in his songs. "

"Adorably young and innocent - rising star Mia Mitchell (musicbeastly) smiled her way right into the audience's heart. "Very refreshing to see somebody so honestly excited about being on stage here in Hollywood! "

"She admitted it! No shame whatsoever, super-fan Avery Johnson (SinnaRoll) admitted she got close to Malik Park (Roseamore13) on the producer's birthday party! Describing him as 'pretty funny', she practically beamed about the time she spent with him. What happened there? Very blunt, this girl, we are yearning to get to know what Malik has to say to this!"

"But the man (Jeremiah Thatcher) did not seem in his best mood anyways, making a rather big fuzz about how he and Malik Park are 'equal partners of their own business'. Restrain your ego, Thatcher, we did not accuse you of anything!"

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