A Walk to Rememeber

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I've read it and it is.... What can I say?


1. name - jessica aka amazings

2. what got you to start writing?- it was in grade four when my teacter gave the class a project. we had to pick a story and write a story behind it, it was suppose to be 7 pages long but i ended up writing about 30(without chapters just a long story) on paper back and front, the reason for the story was to be entered in this big contest at school, anyway long story short i won and from there i loved writing.

3.fav books- Riding in the car with boys, ask alice, its kind of a funny story, you comma idiot, looking for Alaska, and perks of being a wallflower

4. what do you do in life right now\/- well its summer so im chilling but in sept im going to be in grade 12

5. fav band member?- louis idk from ever since i started to love 1d louis always made me smile

6. what would i be doing if 1d never existed?- probably selling drugs idk, jk jk probably doing what am doing now, being a homebody and writing all day long

7. my plan for the future- is to at least have one book published and to be working to provide for myself

8. fav hobby?- is sleeping and eating a hobby? /:

9. fav colour?- red and yellow

10. what would i do if i ever got kiddnapped- pretend to be dead but God forbid that ever happens

A/N: yay I updated. :) :)

So go check out Jessica's amazing story and sorry to her I could get this out any sooner.

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