The Haunter and The Haunters

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The Haunter and The Haunters by


"It shall never happen. But, maybe, no. I can't fight the urge, but he's so tempting.



Fours girls on a testifying journey to kill and be done. But as they go on there way, will they be victorious or will the be stopped by a force that completely ends their victory?

Join me as Angela, Athena, Annalise, and Brooklyn go on their journey.

-Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe. -

Paranormal story.

It's actually quite interesting. I just started reading it and I already think it's good.

Great storyline.

I can't say much since I haven't read all if the published parts, but it's good and if you like mysteries and paranormal this is a good suggestion.


Interviews with @ Magesticstories

1. What's your name/username?

1. Magesticstories, Tatiana Forrester

2. Why did you start writing?

2. I started writing because I needed a way to express my feelings. So it turned out writing was the only option.

3. What are your favorite books?

3. My favorite books are please don't judge me but 1d boyxboy books.

4. What do you do in life right now?

4.Right now im moving on to the 7th grade. Also tryingnto score 1d tickets for Atlanta. And hanging out with my friend.

5. Who's your favorite band member and why?

5. My favorite member is Zayn. He's very mysterious he gives me the chills when I talk or hear about him. And its like everything he does is perfect and I don't judge him for being with perrie. I dream but ik he's with the love of his life.

6. What would you be doing if One Direction never existed?

6. I would probably have better grades, pay more attention, and actually do something with myself instead of drooling over them.

7. What do plan to do in the future?

7. I plan on being a singer or a chef.

8. What are your favorite hobbies?

8. My favorite hobby is reading actual published books. I find myself getting sucked into one all the time.

9. What are your favorite colors?

9.Blue and Black

10. What would you do if you ever got kidnapped?

10. Id probaly try to run away or create a plan and secretly escape. Or clonk my kidnapper upside the head and flee.

11. What state/country do you live in?

11.I live in the USA in Atlanta, Georgia

13. How do you come up with new stories?

13. I think for a long-time until I put two different plots toghther and BOOM! there you go.

14. What's/who's your biggest inspiration?

14. My bestfriend Ariana is or as you know her @chickadee_styles

15. One fact about yourself.

15. Im African American mixed with jamaican and Colombian

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