The Blair Project

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The Blair Project by Undertheclifford

A girl who wanted to go into the woods and make a documentary about Baku who died in an old house in 1832. They never found his body, but they could feel him near them. She is recoding every move in the old house and one day she sees him. Then she has to figure out a really dark secret about this man. And she calls this project for the.... "Blair Project."

-There is no shame in being hungry for another person. There is no shame in wanting very much to share your life with somebody.-


This actually gave me the spooks. It's sooooo good and hard to resist. Absolutely loved it.

Her updates are constant so you don't have to wait very long.


Interview with @Undertheclifford

1. What's your name/username?

1. My usernname is Undertheclifford. And my real name is Anniken.

2. Why did you did you start writing?

2. Well I was redning a lot of fan fics and I got inspired and wanted to try it out and now I am I here :-)

3. What are your favorite books?

3. Dear john, twilight, the hunger games.

4. What do you do in life right now?

4. Well I'm going to start on collage and work on grafic and design and I have summer right now so I'm just planning to go out with my friends and update my book :-)

5. Who's your favorite band member and why?

5. The irish potato Niall lol XD, well I love the fact that he always are a happy person and I really loves hes laugh and hes sarcasm. I also love the fact that he loves to play the guitar and loves food, because I do the same haha xx

6. What would you be doing if One Direction never existed.

6.hmm... that is a hard question. Well I would have been on collage and just keep going with my life, but the boys have really captured my heart and I love their clumsyness....reminds me of myself hehe

7. What do you plan to do in the future?

7.I have got planned to get done with collage and move to England with my bestfriend :-) that would be awezome

8. What are your favorite hobbies?

8. My hobby is writing and reading...god how boring I am -.-

9. What's your favorite color?

9. Purple!!

10. What would you do if you ever got kidnapped?

10. I would scream and kick, but If I've got kidnappet by Niall, Then it would be fine

11. What state/country/city do you live I'm?

11.I live in Norway and the city Oslo

12. Your dream job?

12. Have kids with Niall, lol jk. I would love to be an author, that would be amazing

13. How do you come up with new stories?

13. Mostly when I'm asleep, I get this sick dreams and write about it and people loves it I guess

14. What's/who's your biggest inspiration

14. I don't have any inspirations, I'm just writing stuff and that's mostly it :p

15. One fact about you?

15. I'm a really funny person

Thanks :-):-)

A/N: the italics are quotes I get from we heart it. I hope they connect to the story.

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