Malik's Stripper.

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Malik's Stripper by Motherfuuukeerr

Syreena Wate, mostly known as 'The Dirty Angel.' Is Zayn Malik's personal stripper. She's the one who dances for him and entertains him late at night. She's the one gets the cash stuffed in her underwear by him. She's the one who gets money thrown by him. And she's the one Zayn Malik is falling deeply in love with.

-I didn't fall for you. You f*cking tripped me.-

The books is completed. There are carrot parts, but it's really good I loved it. She's truly a great author.

There's a catch. The twisted ending leading you to the second book.

Rated R.


Interview with @Motherfuuukeerr.

1. What's your name?

1. My name is Tara R

2. Why did you start writing?

2. Reading was always my favorite pass time and wiriting as just another get away and as cheesy as that sounds. My parents made me actually start doing it.

3. What are your favorite books?

3. The Great Gatsby, Lolita, Catcher in the Rye, Will Grayson Will Grayson, Everything I Never Told You and a bunch more.

4. What's are you doing in life right now?

4. Life, basically im trying to finish all my homework, begging for a job, and try to be kind to my family rather an ass like i usually am.

5. Who's your favorite band member and why?

5. Band member? This is really tough but I would go with Matt Healy. Why? because he is utterly perfection and sweet, kind, and all that good stuff. Wait, if this is about One Direction I'd choose Zayn because he works behind the scenes and he captures perfection and man do you not see this man? Freaking sex god.

6. What would you be doing if one direction never existed?

6. If they didnt exist i woulnt even know who i am.

7. What do you plan to do in the future?

7. Be happy, get a job, stay in college, and be the good daughter.

8. What are your favorite hobbies?

8. Sleeping being lazy literally

9. What's your favorite color?

9. Blue

10. What would you do if you got kidnapped?

10. Lets pray im never in that situation but i would cry and probably want to kill myself and then after that phase become a bad ass and bust myself out

11. What state/country do you love in?

11. New York

12. What's your dream job for the future?

12. The future well i just want to make sure i am worthy of myself and become a criminal justice lawyer

13. How do you come up with your stories?

13. Okay this is going to be weird but at the most random moments i get snippets and ideas for stories. And then they form in the shower. i know, very weird.

14. Who's your biggest inspiration?

14. Even though i get into fights with her and just want to leave, its my mother. I hate to admit it, but i love her and shes a fighter.

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