{24} Dead Moms Club

Start from the beginning

Elena didn't get far because as soon as she was out, the vampire was at the door and a dark-haired girl that was outside blocked her from leaving. The girl grabbed her by her hair and pushed her back inside. "Seriously?" The girl questioned.

"I told her not to move! I did that eye thing that you taught me!" The guy defended loudly. I rolled my eyes. She didn't even train him right. It's called compulsion, and she probably left out every unnecessary— but definitely necessary —thing she could.

"And forgot the lesson about vervain! She dates a vampire, Ben. Duh!" The girl yelled at him, "At least you were smart enough to take the other one's ring off." I watched the girl eye my finger, my bare finger. That means he took it off. His name, Ben, reminded me of the Ben that Bonnie would talk about. Ben didn't seem like a very intelligent guy, no offense to him, he just wasn't educated properly on vampirism. So if I were a dumb guy, where would I hide my ring? I shivered at some of the places he could've hidden it. No, definitely not.

The girl pushed Elena up against the wall, as Elena began to question her, "Who are you? What do you want?" The typical questions that never get answers.

"Doesn't matter," The girl replied, opening the bathroom door. She gestured at Ben, a large gesture. Even I understood it before he did, giving me time to snap his neck. But the victory was short-lived when the girl grabbed me and pushed me into the bathroom with Elena, shuttling the door behind us.

"Damn it.." I said to myself, wondering why the hell Elena didn't come out there and help me! Then, I noticed that she was on the floor with a passed-out Bonnie in the bathtub. "Oh my god... What happened to her?" I asked Elena, who just looked at me with terrified eyes and shook her head. So... This was the Ben that Bonnie liked from the Grill. Awkward.

"We need to help wake her up," Elena said, finding a cloth in the bathroom and handing it to me. I wet it with cold water and rung it out a bit, handing it to Elena. She balled it up and began to place it on her forehead, as Bonnie began to slowly open her eyes. "Bonnie?" Elena asked softly.

"Elena?" Bonnie groggily asked, looking up at me briefly, "And Charlotte?"

"Oh, you're okay!" Elena said softly, cheerfully.

"Thank God," I said softly with a smile, joining Elena on the floor, looking over at Bonnie. How awful were they? Throwing her in a bathtub?

"My head..." Bonnie trailed off, closing her eyes.

"Come here," Elena said, holding out her arms. Bonnie was pulled upright by Elena, as Bonnie began to talk.

"Oh my god! Ben is a-!" Bonnie started, but my eyes widened as my hands gently went over her mouth. Not in an attempt to physically shush her, but to shock her enough that she'd stay silent while I'm sure Elena explained.

"Shhhh," Elena said softly, gesturing to her ear and pointing towards the door, "They can hear." Elena gestured to the sink and I stood, turning on the tap. I kneeled back down next to them as Bonnie began to rant.

"I'm so stupid!" Bonnie said, her voice groggy and dry. I feel awful for her... She really liked him, she liked him a lot. Then this happened... That's just our luck, isn't it?

"Oh, he had all of us fooled!" Elena assured her softly, and I nodded.

"Bon, he even had me fooled, and I'm a v-word too," I said softly, not liking using the term "vampire" around Bonnie. I know that she isn't a fan of us and that saying the word is a complete turn-off for her. And I decided to respect that.

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