{18} Overwhelming Emotions

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*** SO, WE REALLY were leaving, huh? Just came to town and we're already going to be gone

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SO, WE REALLY were leaving, huh? Just came to town and we're already going to be gone. I know I'm an adult, and I don't need men telling me what to do. But it's always been Stefan and I against the world. We're like brother and sister, best friends till the literal end. Me and him go way back, and I'm not going to leave him alone now. I have to go with him if he leaves. Turns out, we're all leaving.

I saw Stefan walk downstairs, heading towards where Damon was reminiscing. I could tell that he didn't want to leave Mystic Falls, and neither did I. I followed Stefan into the room, it seemed to be an unannounced family meeting.

"So any idea of where you'll go?" Stefan questioned Damon, his hands in his pockets as he walked toward Damon. I had my hands placed behind my back as I walked a few paces behind him, leaving those two to it.

"I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends," Damon suggested, turning to look at us. "I'm going to need to be at least a couple thousand miles away from here not to come back." He was staring at me the whole time, and I didn't know what to say or do.

"You don't have any friends, Damon." Of course, Stefan had to point that out. But he was right. Damon isn't the type to have friends, he seems like the sex, eat, and run type. I wonder how many women he's killed because he fed on them.

"You're right, Stefan. I only have you two," Damon started, turning from the window to walk to us, "So, where are we goin'?"

"We are not going anywhere. We're gonna live our lives as far away from you as possible," Stefan explained.

"But we're a team! We could travel the world together. We could try out for 'The Amazing Race'. I should at least get Charlotte. You've had her for years, now it's my turn," Damon said confidently.

"Mmmm, that's funny. Charlotte isn't going with you. We both know how you and Corinthia were, Damon. We don't want a repeat of that." What happened between him and Corinthia? I don't even know what she looks like, but Damon said she looks a little like me. Stefan never mentioned her, so I have to go by what Damon said. "Seriously Damon, where are you going? Because we are not staying in this town."

The doorbell rang, Damon, Stefan, and I all shared a glance at each other, and then to the door. Stefan walked off to answer the door, and it was Liz Forbes, the Sheriff. What was Liz doing here?

"I'm here to see Damon." Okay, that definitely explains it.

"Uh, sure. Ok," Stefan replied to Liz, as Damon walked to the doorway. I followed after him, and watched them with Stefan.

"Sheriff. What a surprise," Damon said to her with a smile and a gesture.

"Sorry to bother you, but we need to talk."

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