{5} Corinthia Cabello

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WHEN STEFAN AND I got to school, we could see people walking, playing basketball and throwing footballs

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WHEN STEFAN AND I got to school, we could see people walking, playing basketball and throwing footballs. There was one person though who caught Stefan's eye and that was Elena, who was talking with Bonnie. They had started dating after that kiss they had that one night. It had all happened really fast now that I think about it, but I was still happy for them nevertheless. 

Stefan walked over to the two girls and he started to talk to them. After Stefan said something, Bonnie turned to Elena, said something, and then left. I was wondering what could have happened so I chased after her. When I caught up to her, I tapped her shoulder causing her to turn to me.

"Hey," I said to the girl. "What's got you making that face for?"

"I can't find Caroline. I've tried texting her, but she isn't answering." Bonnie replied.

"That is really weird... And you haven't seen her at all today?" I asked her. I haven't known Caroline for that long, but she almost always replies to her messages and she always shows up for school.

"No. Could you keep an eye out for her?" Bonnie asked.

"Sure." I replied. Then, we hear the school bell ring and we start going to our class. 

{In history class.}

"World war II ended in...Anyone got anything?" Mr. Tanner asked us. He was as always calling out on people to see if they knew anything. Some people did and some people didn't. "Miss Juan?" The girl shrugged and Mr. Tanner sighed, "1945. Pearl Harbor?"

I thought I heard someone talking and I turned to see it Elena and Stefan. They were just talking about football for some reason and I knew that I probably missed something. I wasn't really in the right state of mind for some reason. It's mostly because I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don't know what though, I can't seem to place it.

"Miss Gilbert?" I heard Mr. Tanner call out causing me to come back to reality.

Elena turned around and looked at Mr. Tanner, "Hmm?"

"Pearl Harbor?" Mr. Tanner repeated.

"Um..." Elena said, trying to think of the answer.

"December 7, 1941." Stefan cut in. Elena turned to look at him, as well as me.

"Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Mr. Tanner said sarcastically, looking pointedly at Stefan,

"Anytime." Stefan told him.

"Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall." Mr. Tanner said, looking around at the class, but that didn't last long.

"1989." Mr. Tanner looked over at Stefan and all Stefan said after that was, "I'm good with dates, sir." I roll my eyes, amused. He is such a show-off. He is always trying to show-off in front of someone and he is doing it a lot more now that he's got a girlfriend. I find it amusing though.

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