Sixty - Linkin

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The three of us sat around the table in an uncomfortable silence. The boys had gone missing which seemed to irritate Four to no end. "Robin is never late." Her glare landed on Ira as she let out a huff.

"Why are you blaming me? I tried to find him; they're all gone. Even Nate."

I stayed quiet, playing with the glasses which sat in front of me on the table, too lost in my own head to be concerned that the boys were missing. I should be concerned, but I wasn't. In a twisted way, I was almost glad they were gone. It was safe to be far away from me.

"I'm sure they're fine," Ira said, leaning across the meeting table to take my hand just for a second, pulling my head out of my lonely thoughts. I gave her a sad smile and nodded.

"Yes, well, we've already lost too much time just getting her here and Two hasn't even helped yet." Four looked like she needed a lot of coffee.

"Your code is done." That shut her up quickly. Her jaw dropped as she stared at me. "And I told you not to call me that. I'm Linkin."

Four shook her head. "It can't be done. It's taken me days and I wasn't even halfway."

"I'm better than you," I started to say, a small smirk pulling at my lips, but my cruel words were caught in my throat as loud music, steel guitar, piano, and other country instruments came together from behind the door.

Four had a gun drawn before I couldn't even try to understand what was happening. I knew the song and hearing the deep voice of Josh Turner starting to sing, I was even more confused. "What is happening?" Four demanded to know.

I knew the song - Would You Go With Me. It was one of my favourites, something everyone else I knew hated. Still, it was here as Ira and I exchanged confused looks just as the double doors opened and out came Nate and Yulian struggling to hold a boombox over their shoulders. I nearly started laughing seeing their tux t-shirts and Stuart and Thierry walking in behind them in matching shirts. I shook my head; the four men were grinning like idiots as Yulian skipped over to Four, took her by the arm, and moved her out of the way.

The song continued, almost painfully loud as the men got in a line and started to dance - if one could call what they did dancing. It was easy to tell they had no practice the way they often ran into each other. Stuart stared at his feet as if he was trying to memorize a plan that everyone else had abandoned. Nate gave up the routine for the Macarena and Yulian actually had moves which made everyone else look twice as bad.

Thierry stopped dancing altogether and looked at me with a grin as I bent over, laughing, Ira joining in as she shook her head. Four seemed to be the only one not enjoying the chaos in front of us. Thierry attempted to mouth the words to a song he both didn't know and hated as he strolled over to me.

It was only then I realized what was happening as I caught the glimpse of a blue velvet box in his hand. I stopped laughing then, my smile fading and tears instantly came to my eyes. Thierry smiled more, and the dancing buffoons were forgotten to me as Thierry stopped in front of me. "I'm not messing this up this time - we're doing this right." He said before lowering down to one knee.

It was like a movie, if Stuart and Nate colliding into each other so hard they fell over, was movie perfect. Thierry was down on one knee and while I knew what was inside the tiny box, I could hardly breathe as the diamond and sapphire caught the light. I looked between the silver band and Thierry, a steady stream of tears now falling. "Last time I said I would put a ring on you if we made it back from Dell Island. This time I want no question that we're coming back for our future." Thierry reached forward and wiped my eye; even he was tearing up now.

"You're an idiot," I told him, shaking my head, "and you hate this song." I glanced back to the boombox.

"I do, but you don't." He shrugged, glancing to the ring. "But, you calling me an idiot is a known fact, what your answer is not."

Everyone was now watching, Stuart's arm around Ira as they watched us. I nodded and lept into Thierry's arms onto the dingy, dust-covered floor as I kissed him. "You're such the idiot."

"Is that a yes?" he mumbled with his lips against mine. I nodded and pulled back, allowing him to take my hand and slide the ring on my finger. "I could only get the guys to agree to steal cheap jewellery. Sorry, it isn't as good as what it should have been."

I shook my head. "It's perfect," I whispered, staring at the ring.

Four stood awkwardly at the head of the table, pressing the pause button on the boombox as everyone else cheered. "Congrats Linkin," Ira said, nodding.

Thierry stood up with me in his arms, plopping down into a chair, pulling me into his lap as he glanced at Four. "Come on, Four, why is the meeting starting late? Very inconsiderate." He was grinning like the devil as she crossed his arms over her chest. It was hard for her to be mad over our engagement, but she was trying her damnedest to be.

"...Yes, let's begin."

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