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"Reyaansh, I told you I need time

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"Reyaansh, I told you I need time."

"How much more time, Riaana ? Wasn't six months enough ?"

"Reyaansh -"

"I'm tired of waiting, Riaana. I need an answer. Just tell me if you even like me or you're just playing with my feelings ?"

"I like you, Reyaansh but this won't work. Me in London and you in India. I can't leave my world and so can't you." I tried to explain to him as I closed the laptop screen.

"Please don't give me the same reason over and over again, Riaana." He told me."Why can't you even try, Riaana ? I don't even see you trying. I can feel it between us. Both of us know we like each other, infact, we love each other."

"Reyaansh -"

"No, Riaana. Don't try to explain. You're being oblivious to the fact that we love each other. I tried to not bring it up, Riaana but I couldn't help it." He said. He seemed pretty agitated.

Yes, I love him and I want to tell him but I'm stuck in circumstances I can't explain to him.

"Riaana, I hate myself for saying this but you're being selfish. You're just thinking about yourself. I always let you do what you want. I gave you the time you needed but, you don't really seem to care." He burst out.

He was right. I can't deny that. He always let me do what I want. He's made sacrifices for me but I didn't really do anything for him.

"Reyaansh, give me few more days, I promise -"

"No, its way to long. You don't seem to need us in your life."

"Fine. I don't need you both in my life okay ?" I said out of anger. "You don't understand when I say-"

He hung up on me even before I could finish. How do I tell you that I'm stuck in some situations that I can't explain to you ?

Aarunya called me after a few minutes.

"Yeah, Aarunya ?" I asked trying not to vent out my anger on her.

"What's with you ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"Do you realise how selfish you're being ? Just for once, for god's sake, stop thinking just about yourself and think of others."

"Aarunya, I'm not in the mood for this, now. "

"I don't care, Riaana. I can't let everything happen just like you want it to. " She argued.

"Aarunya, just stop."

"No I'm not going to. Think about what you're doing. We know you want to live your life but don't think about the others as well. We've all been asking you to come back and stay with us."

"I know, I'm thinking about it."

"I don't think you are. You're hurting everyone. You think anyone is happy with what you're doing ? Mom and Dad  might not be expressing it but everyone wants you to come back."

"Aarunya, I said I'll think about it."

"I've been hearing the same from Varun for years..for years. Reyaansh and I are trying to convince both of you, but you both, care about no one but yourselves." She said not even giving me a chance to speak.

"Both of you are stubborn and selfish. Infact, Reyaansh and I are stupid to keep confessing to you both and wait for you. Do whatever you want." She said hanging up.

Great. I now have two people upset with me. Not like I'm not upset with them. I am very upset but I was at fault. I can't blame them.

I slammed the laptop screen shut an headed to the cafeteria with my mobile.

Was I being selfish ? I was probably. I don't know but there are certain reasons behind what I'm doing. There are somethings I need to sort out before I go there and sort out stuff there.

I really want to go there right now. I can't really stay here while having arguments with them.

I called up Varun.

"Hi, Riaana."

"Have you been fighting with Reyaansh and Aarunya ?" I asked him, going straight it the point.

"Why are you asking ?"

"Just answer, Varun."

"Yes. I've been having arguments with Aarunya and I've always had arguments with Reyaansh." He told me. "You had one too ?"

"Yes, they're angry, I guess."

"Yeah. I'm leaving to Rathoregarh in ten minutes. I did realise that I love her too a few weeks ago and I don't think it's right for me to take more time." He said.


"What about you and Reyaansh ? I've heard from Aarunya that you and I are the same."

"Well, yes. But there are some problems. I think I'm going to leave for Rathoregarh as well." I told him.

I wanted to go there and atleast sort out the arguments so I can focus on the problem at hand.

"Fine. I'll meet you there." He said before hanging up.

I'm coming for you, Reyaansh but you'll have to wait. I've got some more problems to sort out before I confess my love for you. I promise I'm going to come to you and be there forever.

I walked to my desk, opened my laptop and typed out a resignation letter.

I knew what I was doing. I've had enough of living my life. It's not like this is the only career. Back in Jaigarh, my career would be attending royal engagements and helping people. Sure, it isn't the career I've always wanted to be in but I'm sure it's not that bad.

"Mr. Jason, I'm resigning." I told him pushing the resignation letter towards him.

"What ?" He asked shocked looking up from his screen at me.

"Yes, Mr. Jason. I need to get back to India forever. I'm willing to work for the next three months as written in the agreement."

"Is it serious ?" He asked me reading the letter.

"Yeah. It is very important. My family needs me more."

"Then, I'll scratch off the three months clause for you." He said shocking me.

"Are you sure ? I don't really want a special treatment."

"Yes, I am sure." He said signing the letter. "It's been a pleasure working with you."

I thanked him and rushed out of the office to meet Aaryan outside. I asked him to book tickets to India immediately.

However, the next flight was only eight hours away. So I had to wait until my flight time.

The eight hours passed as if it was eight years but it didn't matter because in the end, I had problems to sort out when I reach there.


Hey my lovelies ! The next chapter is where Reyaansh and Aarunya die ! *evil laugh* but to get to there, there'll need to be atleast 30 votes on this chapter 🤷. Sorry but it has to be done. Next update will be when we get to 30 votes.

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