You're a killer

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The day went on without any one thought about that -A could be around. It got evening again. They all hope it will be more peaceful night than the night before. But it gets worse. Because tonight someone will die.


(Ezra's pov)

-What are you reading? I ask Aria. She is sitting in the couch and has her eyes glued to the book. She shows me the cover quick before returning to the book. "The fault in our stars". -Didn't know you liked these kind of books. I say and sit down besides her. -What do you mean with "these kind of books"? she asks and looks up from the book.

-You know cancer books. I reply. -It isn't all about cancer. Cancer is just the back story. Although it's the most used word in the book. she says.

-Well tell me about it. But I'm sure the book is about cancer. I say teasing. She rolls her eyes.

-It's about this girl named Hazel. she starts before I cut her off: -And she has cancer?I say. -Yes. Can I countiniue now? she says half annoyed.

-Her lungs is not good being lungs. So she have a moving oxygen tank with her everywhere. She won't get rid of the cancer so she understand she will die young. Her mom make her go to this support group where she meets Augustus who is cancer free. They slowly fall in love with each other. They have this obsession over a book who bring them closer to each other and one of them dies in the end or at least it's what I think. she tells.

-Sounds very tragic. I comment. -Of all people are you saying that? You've read Romeo and Juliet 563 times. Where they both take suicide because they can't live without each other. she says and grins although the tragic topic.

-It's a classic. I say and grin back. -This is too. Just a new classic. Some of the stuff in this book is actually quite funny. she says.

I shake my head. I lean down to whisper something in her ear: -Do you have any idea how much I love you? I whisper when I can actually just say it out loud because the others isn't even in the room. But this is a lot more romantic. -I love you too. she whispers. We kiss until the others walk in. Aria tries to stop the awkward silence with a question.

(Alison's pov)

-Can I borrow your phone charger Spence? Aria asks. -Yeah sure. But it lays in my car. she replies. -Ok. Can I get the keys? Aria asks. -Catch! Spencer says and throw the keys to Aria. -Thanks. she says. Then she stands up from the couch and walks out.

I look at Ezra. -Mr.Overprotective she is going down the road not in a war sone. I tease and punch him in the shoulder.

Before he reacts or even gets time to roll his eyes the whole lake house gets dark. -What was that? Emily asks. behind me. -It probably short-circuited. Spencer says.

The main entrance opens in the hallway. -Aria? Hanna shouts. No answer. -Aria?! Ezra says. No answer. Footsteps slowly walks down the hallway.

I take Emily's hand and I start to get nervous. What am I saying? I'm terrified! Toby opens the door so we can hopefully escape from. We walk slowly out the door.

We're all terrified. I see a gun in the dark that someone is holding. -Stop. He/she has a gun. Caleb says when we're all about to run into the woods. -Shana!?I says when I see the face of black hoodie.

-What a scene to end your story Alison. Shana says and walks out the door. Emily quickly step in front of me. -Emily! I whisper shout. She ignores me. -I trusted you Shana. I say shocked. -You always said that if you trust someone you don't ask questions. Then you sended me to Rosewood to asks questions. she says and walks some steps closer to me.

-Shana you're sick! Toby says besides me while he is standing in front of Spencer. -You're just like Mona. We can get you help. Hanna says and tries to calm her down. -This isn't like Mona. This isn't a game! she says. -It wasn't a game for you to keep the little detail that Maya was alive?! Spencer says.

-I didn't even know Maya knew you before Caleb and Toby took a little visit at my house and I overheard your conversation with my sister about Ali being back. I thought you were going to leave them straight ahead. But I guess me shoting down Ezra was all you needed to get back to Rosewood. Stupid move Ali, stupid move. she says.

-What is this about?! I ask afraid for the answer. -I saw how many lives you destroyed. Even your own mother was afraid of you! she shouts. Knowing it is true. I were a horrible person.

-This have to be a game. Emily says. -It's not. It's justice! she says and still points the gun in my direction. -For who? Hanna asks. I wait for her answer. -For Jenna. You're in love with her. Ezra says. We all look at Ezra wondering where that came from.

-Jenna doesn't love you Shana! Emily says. -Move or I'll blow your head off!Shana shouts at Emily. -Do as she says Em. I say. -No. I'll not leave you unprotected. she says. -Emily! Move! I shouts to make her move away from me. She doesn't move completely but a little. -Once I'm rid of you. Jenna can finally move on with her life.she says and looks like she is about to fire the gun.

-I guess I've to kill the rest of you when I'm done with her. she says. I close my eyes. Knowing this is my death. I'm still squeezing Emily's hand.

Waiting for the gun shot to hit my head I start thinking about what will happen when Aria once comes back with the phone charger. She will find her best friends dead, their boyfriends dead and her love of her life dead. All because of me.

I can littrally hear everyone's fair. That's all I can hear until a known voice shouts: -Hey Shana!!

(Aria's pov)

Where is everybody? I wonder. The room is completely dark. I hear some voices outside. Is this a weird suprise party? I walk into the living room. The door is open. My heart jumps up in my throat when I see a person in a black hoodie.

I get shock when I recognize the voice. -It's not. It's justice.

It is Shana! She is pointing a gun at Alison and moves it almsot every time someone says anything. Then always back to Alison.

I don't listen to the conversation. Just insanely panic. What should I do?

I take a quick look over the room. A rifle catch my eye that is placed over the the fireplace. I don't know what else to do. I take down the rifle with no thought in my head. It's havey. I hold it in the position you do when you're going to shot. Then I remember that I don't know how to use it.

But still I walk up behind Shana. No one is noticing me. They all look terrfied. Expecially Ali.

-I guess I've to kill the rest of you. When I'm done with her. Shana says. Alison closes her eyes. Just like she is waiting for herself to die.

Then the darkest side of me turns on. The part of me that does stupid things without even thinking. I take the rifle in another position. -Hey Shana! I say and hit her in the head with the rifle. I don't understand how hard I hit before the rifle hits her head. She falls down to the ground. Her body lays right in front of my feet. I trow the rifle away.

As I understand what I just did. Blood comes out of Shana's head. I don't even take the time to look at the others. I carefully move Shana with my right fot. Not a move. She doesn't breath either. I feel someone's arms holds around me thight. I don't even care to check who.

My phone that's almost 0% battery gets a text. For some reason I check it although I shouldn't. "Miss Aria You're A Killer Not Ezra's Wife. -A".

More arms wraps around me. Again I don't check I just look down at the person I just killed.

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