Never have I ever

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(Aria's pov)

-What did you do in the boat in the first place?! Spencer asks like she is a mother yelling at her children for doing something dangerous.

Me and Ezra are still wet after the little swim. I wish I had some good explanation but I have no ideas. -Is this another B26 complication? Hanna asks. - B26? Toby asks and looks at Hanna. -It's a very complicated poem Ezra wrote about Aria. Hanna replies. -When did he find time to write a poem? Caleb asks.

Me and Ezra just look at each other. Confused that they rather talk about a poem than the fact we just almost got killed.

-I'm not trying to interupt your little talk about our relationship. But can we just take a moment to talk about that Ezra and I almost ended up like BBQ!!!! It slips out of me.

Hanna and Caleb start laughing. They almost can't held themselves up. -You sure sounded like animals! Hanna says laughing herself to death. -Of course we were. That explosion would have scared you two as well but you were asleep. I say to Hanna and Caleb that hold on to each other so they don't collapse on the floor of laughter.

-Are you two drunk? Alison asks. -Nope. Caleb replies. -We were awake before the explosion. Hanna says and tries to stop laughing. -What made you wake up in the middle of the night at the same time? Emily asks. -Well we heard some wild aggressive animals outside. It was so loud I'm suprised you guys didn't hear it. Hanna says and looks at me. I've a very big feeling it wasn't an animal. -How did it sound? Alison asks.

OH MY GOD! -Well....Hanna starts. Before she gets to say anything I interupt her. -Ezra, Hanna and Caleb. We need to talk! I say and grab Hanna in her arm and drag her with me out.

-What was that for?! I say when I've dragged her with me long enough. -I'm sorry I just couldn't resist. she says and start lauging again. -Were you spying on us?I asks looking at Hanna and Caleb. -You don't need to be spying to hear you two? Caleb says and start laughing again as well. Me and Ezra are very uncomfortable because of this conversation.

-Calm down. I won't say anything.she says and stops laughing. -Thank you. Cause you owe me. I say relived. -Wait I do? she asks. -You and Caleb on the couch? Remember? I didn't rat on you when you told me. I say. Now Hanna and Caleb are feeling uncomfortable.

-Spencer won't know about this conversation. I promise. Hanna says and smiles. -Good. If you can exscues me I'll change. I'm pretty sure I've half of the lake in my clothes. I comment and walk up to second floor.

(Spencer's pov)

-Why would A set your boat on fire? Emily asks. -I don't know. A is a terrorist. Wants us to freak out and asks hundreds of questions. I reply.

Hanna and Caleb walk into the living room again. -What was that about? Alison asks them. -Seriously it looked like Aria was going to break up with all three of you. I comment.

-Where are they by the way? Toby asks.

-They're changing. Hanna replies.

Not suprised. When they came in they looked like wet cats. Very annoyed, scared and of course wet. Everyone woke up because of the exsploison. Hanna of course had to come with some comment that only Caleb laughed of when they came in. ''Did you two feel for a swim?''.

-Do we feel for sleeping right now? I don't think I can sleep like forever after this. Alison says nervously. -Don't worry Ali. I'll protect you. Emily says and takes Alison's hand. I look at them. I've to admit they're actually very cute together.

-So what shall we do? Caleb asks. -What about Never have I ever. Hanna suggests.

We used to that before Alison dissepeared. What we do is we have something to drink like vodka. One of us says something we have never done and then everyone who have done it drinks. I'm not sure if that's such a good idea because last time I got drunk I ended up hooking up with Wren.

-Yeah okay. Alison says. -Do you guys think this is a good idea? I ask. Toby takes his arms around me. -You know I would love to see you drunk. he says playfully. -I don't get drunk that fast. I say playfully annoyed. I'm hard to convince but when it comes to Toby, I'm like a 6 year old that someone try to convince to go to Disneyland.

No one of us is that ''lets play this game and get drunk'' type. But we could do something crazy that not are involving getting tourtured by a stalker. -When shall we stop like before we do something stupid? Emily asks. -When someone starts kissing other than their girlfriend or boyfriend. Caleb jokes.

-I'll go and find the Vodka. I say and walk over to the kitchen and open the mini bar where I know my dad hides the vodka. He probably won't miss it. Cause' the last time he was here is like 6 months ago. Which were when we lost our wifi.

When I come back with the vodka and the glasses Aria and Ezra come back down stairs and look starnge at me. -Never have I ever. I explain. -What are you? 10? Aria comments. -Come on Aria. We're not going to get that drunk. It's just for fun. I explain as we walk back to the livingroom while I juggle with the vodka and the glasses. -You sound like Hanna. she comments. -Oh wait someone refuses to join? Emily says. -They're so hiding something!! Alison says and grins.

-Do something else than reading a book for once! Toby teases. They're about to say something then Hanna interupts them: -Or writing one. she says. They both close their mouth which means that was exactly what they were going to say.

-Okey we're in. Ezra says. -But I'm just saying: We don't get as fast drunk as the rest of you. So me and Ezra are just going to watch you being drunk and maybe record some of the stuff you do. Aria says and sits down on the floor with a smile full competitiveness.

The rest of us sit down on the floor as well. -I start. Emily says as we all take vodka in the small glasses. -Never have I ever cheated on a test. Emily says. Alison, Hanna, Toby and Ezra takes a shot. -What a role model you're Ezra! I comment. -It was in 7th grade and if I failed on that test my parents would have killed me! he explains. -Maybe you're not the person to judge him. Miss stole Melissa's essay. Aria says and laughs. -Wait you did what?! Toby says and look suprised at me.

-This isn't kiss and tell. I reply and wait for him to come with a question. -Okay I've got one. Never have I ever made out with someone in a janitor closet. Toby says. -Why do I've a very strong feeling Aria and Ezra are going to drink on this one? Alison comments. -Nope. Sorry Ali. Ezra says. Hanna and Caleb takes a shot. -A was hunting us we didn't have any choice. Hanna says almost proud.

The round went on until we came to Alison. Everyone have at least drunk twice. -This one is good. I'm sorry Spence. I'm just really wondering Alison says and grins innocent. -Come with the questions Ali. Caleb says. -Okay. Never have I ever had sex in or on Spencer's belongings or property. she says and laughs so does Toby, Hanna, Caleb and Emily. For some reason I thought everyone would laugh of this without me. -I guess this is ours Spence. Toby says and takes up his glass. So do I. We toast and takes a shot. -Not a suprise. Emily comments.

-Sorry Toby you've to share this one. Caleb says and toast with Hanna and they also take a shot. -Wait you did?!Alison says suprised. -On my Nanna's couch! I say. -Well that's nothing compared to....Hanna stops talking. -What was that?Emily asks. -It's almost like you were about to rat on somebody. Alison says almost excited.

Then I see Aria and Ezra taking up the glass and takes a fast shot. Like they were trying to hide it. -ARIA MONTGOMERY!! YOU DIDN'T!!! I say suprised. -I introduces you for Mrs and Mr aggressive animal. Hanna says. Everyone just start laughing without Aria and Ezra that clearly are embarrassed. I don't know if it's the alcohol who is talking or this is actully funny.


Black hoodie walks into the woods until he/she is comming to a lake house. He/she is holding a gun as he/she looks in the window. Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Alison, Emily, Caleb, Ezra and Toby don't know that the stalker is looking at them from the outside.

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