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(Hanna's pov)

-We will start in a few minutes. Do you have any questions? The doctor asks.

-Yes. Side effects? My mom asks.

-Well there's a lot of them but the usual ones are: Dizziness, vomiting and hair loss.
It's totally normal to feel nausea meanwhile chemotherapy is going on.

Great! I've to lose my hair and feel sick at the same time! Caleb's hand grabs mine and gives it a little kiss. He knows that I was bulimic and that I can't vomit without thinking about the time where I threw up every time I ate.

-Don't worry about it, Han. I'm right here. he whispers.

I lay down on the hospital bed. -How long will this take? I ask.

-1 hour and a half. Then we will let you go home for a few days before we repeat it. he answers. I nod.
Caleb sits down in the chair besides the bed. 

-Is dad coming? I look up at my mom.

Her face looks suprised. I haven't even mentioned my dad since I found out about the cancer.

-I'm so sorry Hanna! I didn't know you wanted him here. I'll call him. She picks up her phone when I stop her: -Mom. I don't want him here. I was just checking.

-Good. We don't need him to come here and rant about how many colleges Kate got into. she mumbles and sits down in the chair.

I chuckle. -Could you call Spencer, Aria, Alison and Emily? I would like to have them here.

-Yes of course.


All six of them look quite suprised when they walk in the door 20 minutes later. I've started the chemotherapy now and it sucks.

-Hanna?! Are you okay? Alison asks.

Spencer looks over at my arm. With her brain and knowledge she has probably found out what the problem is.

-You've cancer?! Aria asks.

-Apparently yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. The last few days has been a mess and it happened so fast. I explain.

Ali lets go of Emily's hand and turn her attention to me. She doesn't know what to say. To my suprise she reaches for my hand. I grab it and look up at her. For 15 seconds is she trying to find the right words and then she finds them;

-I'm sorry for everything the other day. I mean it. I thought I knew what was best for Aria. she totally ignores everyone in the room when she says that.

-We're okay. I reply.

-Good. By the way it's best for Caleb that's he's taking good care of you. she says with a playful smile and turns her gaze to Caleb.


He smirks at me and we lean in for a kiss.

-I talked to Maya the other day. Emily mumbles.

I look at her with confused eyes. -The same Maya who faked her death and has a crazy sister who almost killed all of us? I ask.

-Yup. That's her. Emily replies.

Alison picks up a little note from her pocket and gives it to Spencer. -We think she wanted to give you this.

(Spencer's pov)

I put the little code together before I shake my head.

-"Watch your sister"?

-Seriously!? Am I the only one who don't read a sentence and automatically thinks it is a acronym? Emily says annoyed.

-Why did you think it was for me? I don't even have a sister. I reply.
I should have kept the last sentence in my head.

-Did Melissa change gender or something? Hanna asks.

-Well after some research is Aria the closest sister I've. I mumble trying to change subject.

Hanna, Caleb, Alison and Emily look confused at me while Aria, Ezra and Toby try to act like normal.

-Spencer with all respect...what the hell are you talking about? Caleb comments.

-Let's just change subject! So which side are you on Ross and Rachel's "We were on a break" thing!? I add.
Were did I get that from?

-Obviously Ross. Toby replies fast. Thank god he has my back on this.

-Seriously? I mean there's a list of things you simple don't do. Sleeping with someone else right after you and your girlfriend went on "a break" is very high up on the list. Alison says with a smile.

Well that went well.

-The only thing that's worse is to date your best friend's brother. Hanna adds.

Of course that had to be brought up. "Your best friend's brother". That pointed at Aria like a blinking sign. Aria's attitude totally change. I can see that she does everything to keep quiet.

-You know it isn't that bad. I mean if you currently didn't know they were siblings.  Ezra adds.

-I'm sorry to say this Ezra. But you are maybe not the right person to judge this. Let's just look over the list of your ex-girlfriends, shall we?
Bitch 1, bitch 2 and me who is a lesbian.

-I really start to like this conversation. Aria says with a chuckle.

-You don't have anything to say either, Pookie bear. Your list isn't that impressive. Alison winks to me.

-I think we all remember Jake the mistake. Hanna adds.

-Wait you didn't like Jake? Aria asks.

-Nobody liked Jake. Caleb comments and high fives Hanna.

-Some guys don't look good in cowboy hat and Jake is one of them. Alison mumbles.

-We should have talked about this for a long time ago. Ezra says with a smile.

-Trust me we almost had an intervention but before we knew it was Jake gone and you two did some naughty stuff in a boat. I mumble the last part.

-I think we totally lost track here. Spencer what is going on? Emily asks.

-We can take this later. I'm sure Hanna doesn't want to hear my problems at the moment. I answer.

-Spence? My body is currently taking in a lot of poison. Trust me listening to your problems helps a lot. Hanna says with a smile.

-Well if you all are going to listen to this should you two sit down. I point at Emily and Alison who does as told.

-The night we came home from the lake house. I discovered that I'm not a Hastings. I start.

Those two sentences makes Hanna, Caleb, Alison and Emily's mouths drop. -Spence? Are you okay? Hanna asks worried.

-I'm not finished yet. After some research I found out who my parents is.

-Someone we know? Emily asks.

-It's so hard to explain something you can't even understand yourself. Well apparently are Ezra and I related.

No reaction from anyone. Their eyes keep staring at me like they haven't heard a word.

Emily stares at me then at Ezra. -When you're saying related. How much are we talking about? she asks.

(Author's note)
I hope you guys liked this chapter. I haven't been very active with my stories lately but I will post more often now.

I'm not a doctor so I'm not an expert on cancer but I tried to write this chapter with the knowledge I've.

Sorry if I made fun of any Jakria fans in this chapter.✋

Who do you Toby and Spencer overheard last chapter?

Who do you think "Watch your sister" really is for?

How will Aria and Alison's relationship become when Aria confronts her about lying to the police?

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