I love/hate you

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-Why do you suddenly smell so clean?

-Probably because I didn't drink anything today or yesterday. he confecesses.

-So the intervention worked? I ask

-Not exactly. I figured it out myself. he explains.

-You did?

He look into my eyes then says: -I found out what my real problem is. In that way I also found out I couldn't hide from it anymore.

I look at him to tell him to countiniue.
-My problem is that I'm sacred.

-What are you scared of? I ask.

-I'm scared that I'm going to lose you. Ever since I came back I've been terrified that you're going to get hurt or you're going to leave me.

-I will never leave you alone! I deny.

-Let me finish. he says seriously.

I nod quickly in response.

-You're the only person who knows every little part of me and accepts all of them even though they can be super annoying.
I grin of his comment.
He takes a deep breath before he countiniues:
I love you Hanna, and since I love you so much will I make sure you're never going to experience the feeling of being left behind again. I promise to protect you from everything that scares you, I promise to be by your side in the hospital until the cancer leaves your body and I promise to never stop loving you ever.

I can feel tears building up in my eyes as I look into Caleb's brown one's.
-I won't go down on one knee but I'll ask you one simple question.

Tears are falling down my cheeks as I realize what kind of speech this is. He pulls out a little, deep blue box out of his jacket and opens it up slowly.
-This ring is a promise that I'll never leave your side until the day you get so tired of me you push med out the window.

I laugh while I slowly start sobbing of joy. I look at this beautiful, big diamond ring. It has to cost a fortune.

His mouth has bearly some distance away from my ear when he whispers three words I've always wanted to hear his voice say:
-Will you marry me?

Oh wait it's four. Oh well.
I look into his eyes again and this time I'm crying like crazy and I can bearly answer his question. -Yes.

-Are you serious?

-Of course I'm serious! Of course I want to marry you!

He kisses me hard then puts the diamond ring on my finger. -We can wait as long as you want. he whispers.
The thought of a wedding makes me grin widely at as I throw myself at him. We kiss hard and sexualy as we undress each other quickly. He lays on top of me and stare at my eyes for several seconds while I run my fingers through his brown hair.

-Let's hope Aria and Ezra are not standing outside to get their revange. I whisper at his lips sensually.

He shakes his head and slowly lean down to my neck to kiss and suck on my little sensetive spot.

-I love you Caleb. I moan.

He holds my hand and gives the finger with the engagement ring a gently kiss. -I love you too. So much. he says before we countiniue with what we were doing.

(Alison's pov)

Emily slowly push open the door while she holds my hand lightly as we walk into the school.

Everyone in the hallway turn their gaze to me. If only gazes could kill.
We nearly sprint to Emily's locker and try to ignore any kind of attention.

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