Holiday Special pt. 3

Start from the beginning

“Gonna open it?” Grey asked, scaring the boy since he didn’t see the teen sit next to him.

“I have a guess.” Matthew said with a smile. Matthew shook the box next to his ear a few times to hear a small jingle.

“What do you think?” Grey asked.

“It could be the collar I was drooling over at the store a couple weeks ago.” Matthew shrugged. “But I don’t know for sure until I open it.”

With that Matthew proceeded to tear the candy cane themed paper off of the small box in his hand. Through the paper the two boys could see a small, square, cardboard box. Matthew gave a thoughtful looked to Grey who shrugged in return. Matthew continued to open the box that soon revealed several smaller velvet rectangular cases. Some of them were black,

and others were a red velvet color.

“Oo, fancy.” Grey joked as Matthew moved to open one.

Inside the black case held a black leather collar. It was studded with small diamonds that spelled out ‘Omega’ across the front, and as Matthew twisted it around they would sparkle in the light. Matthew’s eyes lit up at the gift and ran over to Jax with a squeal. Matthew landed on Jax’s lap with a surprise. The blond haired boy was not expecting a pile of Matthew to come falling on him.  Mostly because he didn’t know Matthew was even opening his gifts yet.

“OMG JAX! Thank you so much!” Jax slightly nodded his head, not being able to move it any further because of the choke hold Matthew had him in.

Grey laughed at the gasping boy as he tried to retract himself from Matthew’s hold. Soon a present was placed into his lap. Grey looked up to see Marco looking away, awkwardly, while scratching the back of his head.

“Merry Christmas?” Grey smiled before looking back at the gift.

It was small box; wrapped in a baby blue wrapping paper. Grey opened up the gift to reveal a decorative box. It was white spotted with red and gold spots. He opened the lid to find a small wolf beanie baby.

The wolf was a deep brown color, with strands of black and a darker brown mixed into the fur. The toy also had green eye; similar to Marco’s eyes. To Grey, the wolf looked just like how Marco would look in his wolf form, besides the eyes. Marco’s eyes were completely black whenever he was in his wolf form.   

“The eyes are supposed to glow in the dark or something.” Marco added with an awkward laugh.

Grey laid the wolf down on the couch then jumped up to give Marco a hug. He wrapped his arms around the slender teen and squeezed with all his might.

“Thanks, I love it.”

Marco hugged Grey back before pulling away from the teen. He didn’t want Nathan to go all Alpha on him for hugging Grey to long. He could already see the feral look in Nathan’s eyes in his peripheral vision.

After that Marco went around the room to give everyone else they’re gifts. And the cycle went like that with everyone. One person would give everyone a gift that they bought, or created. There would be some tears, and few laughs, and a bunch of excitement.

Lastly it was Grey’s turn to give everyone their gift. Unlike the others, the gifts he had for everyone were upstairs in one of the empty rooms. Grey ran upstairs to get the nine neatly wrapped gifts. Nathan tried to help the little down the steps but he was shooed away. Grey wasn’t in his head space so he could do it on his own. And even if he was, he wanted to be the one passing out gifts.

Grey went around the room passing everybody a gift as he read the names off of the paper. As he passed them out he would tell the person not to tear the wrapper yet. Bryce got the memo a little to late and started to open the wrapper, before he was stopped by Grey who rushed over to him.

“I want you guys to open them at the same time.” he pouted as he pulled the gift from Bryce’s fingers.

Seeing that he didn’t open to far into the paper, Grey gave Bryce the gift back. After everyone had their gift Grey instructed everyone to open them up. Inside each gift was special painting, that Grey had been working on for weeks. Each gift held an oil painting of them, and their rolls in the pack. According to Grey at least.

“Grey these are awesome dude.” Bryce said as he held up his picture to the light.

“Mine looks so pretty.” Matthew cooed.

“I’m glad you guys like them.”

The group of teens piled together in a giant group hug. Leaving Grey to take most of the brute of it from his spot in the middle. Gyre didn’t mind though, he was glad that everyone liked his gifts and had an amazing Christmas together.

“Marco, is that my turkey you’re eating?”

Soooo how did you guys lile the last chapter??? I'm sorry for the reamly trash ending. Well chapter honestly. I don't know maybe you guys like ot more then I did. Well the next chapter will get back on track with the  story.

UNTIL NEXT TIME!!! (How was your first week of the New Year??? Any New year resolutions???) HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYSS!!! (I forgot to say that XD)

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