I glanced at my reflection in awe

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I glanced at my reflection in awe. "I have curves?" I flatten my hands against the sides of the dress feeling the contours of my figure. Who was that person because it couldn't have been me.

The girl in the mirror was gorgeous, poised and stunning, nothing like the plain Jane I was. My hair was in a sophisticated updo with loose tendrils of curls, a drastic change from the messy ponytail I always wore.

"You look beautiful." Aunt Ava said from the doorway wiping a tear away from her eye. "You certainly look better in it than I ever did."

I laughed and shook my head. She walked closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder as we both looked into the mirror.

"You have your father's smile." Ava reminded me in a bittersweet moment. "He would have been so proud to see you become this strong independent woman." I hoped she was right.

"I have something for you." She cleared her throat to distract from the sniffling. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. "This was your father's engagement ring to your mother."

I opened the box to see a delicate silver ring with a blue sapphire in the middle surrounded by smaller diamonds. "It's beautiful."

"Morgan and I shopped for an engagement ring for 8 hours before he decided on this one." She reminisced. "I think you should wear it."

"But I'm not engaged." I protested.

"As a necklace sweetie." She slipped the ring onto a thin silver chain and clasped it around my neck. It found its spot nestled between my collar bones.

"Perfect." She whispered. "Now put your heels on because we are going to be late." Aunt Ava managed to find a pair of heels my size in the back of her closet. She truly had everything I needed.

All that was left was for me to put on the mask, but I planned on putting it on before we arrived.

I followed her advice and slipped on the black pumps, taking a second to adjust to the new height. I wasn't used to wearing heels, and clutched the railing on my way down the stairs to avoid breaking my neck.

I had a few minor trips and stumbles but that was to be expected.

We got in the car and sailed down the road to the address Derric texted me. Google Maps said it was a high end country club by the water. The party had already started as we were an hour late.

A block away from the party I was starting to have major doubts again. "Stop the car." I say clutching the armrest.


"Stop the car!" I repeat louder, freaking out on the inside and out. She pulls over to the side of the road and cuts the engine.

"Are you ok Adira?" She asks gently. I shook my head.

"What if I can't go through with this? What if he doesn't like me the way I think he does? What if I'm overdressed and fall flat on my face in front of the whole school humiliating myself?" The worries were nonstop and kept spewing out of my mouth like word vomit.

"If you want us to turn back, we can go back to my place and watch movies and eat ice cream and forget this ever happened. But if you want to face your fears and be the strong warrior I know you are, I will support you either way."

I hold my phone in my lap, my fingers hovering over my pre-written text to Derric.

I've already gone through the trouble of putting on a dress, minimal makeup and heels. It would be a shame to let Aunt Ava's hard work go to shame.

I delete the text and take a deep breath. I'm deciding to have one night to myself, I've been through so much and deserve a chance to have fun. Even if it's just for a few hours. Tonight was about finally doing something for myself.

"Let's do this."


Aunt Ava parked the car in front of the entrance. "You ready kiddo?" I secured the silver lace mask behind my head and nodded. It's now or never.

I opened the car door and bunched my dress up to escape safely. Aunt Ava walks out of the car along with me to see me off. I lean in to give her a hug. "Thank you, for everything."

"I just wish I was there more for you Adira." She tells me reciprocating the hug, I finally felt a motherly embrace after a decade

I pull away with one last smile to gather the dress in my hands and begin climbing the stairs up to the glass French doors.

There was a sign by the door reading in elegant calligraphy, "Derric Wilder's Winter Celebration".

Soft twinkle lights adorned the bushes and the framed the door giving the place a warm glow. The inside lobby was impeccably designed, and it could easily be seen that his parent's wasted no expenses. The overall color scheme was white, silver and blue.

The doors to the ballroom were closed but I could hear the music pulsing from behind it. It was already an hour and a half after the party started, I was fashionably late. There were two small windows on either side of the door. I peered in one and saw Derric immediately.

He was pacing up and down near the center of the room and constantly looking up at the door. He was waiting for me.

I lifted my head high and open the doors which swing widely. I step into the room and all eyes were on me, and I locked eyes with the only pair that mattered.

I walk down the steps of the luxury country club, as Derric pushed his way through to meet me at the bottom. His hand was outstretched by the time I caught up with him.

"I found you Blondie." He told me starring.

I threw my head back and laughed. "I made it easy for you." 

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