An interesting interview (TH)

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3rd person POV.

You and Tom were sitting on the couch and Ellen was sitting on the other couch.

"Welcome Y/n and Tom!" He says

You and Tom wave and say hi to him.

"Ok, to start, Y/n. You said you were in a lot  of Tom's movies?" She asks you.

"Yeah! I played a little girl in the impossible, I was one in the tent so I was more of a background character, but I was in that, I was in Edge of Winter, Civil War, Infinity War, Spider-Man Homecoming, Pilgrimage, Chaos Walking, In The Heart Of The Sea, How I live now, Secret World of Arriety, The current war, lost city of Z, Endgame , far from home, Locke. I was basically in all his movies." You say laughing

Everyone laughs.

"I've been stuck with her since I was 14. But she's been awesome, and we have been together all the way. Every time I go to film a new movie I would see her and she would see me, we would do one of those slow mo runs." He says smiling

"Oh yeah! I saw him on the set of Civil War and I ran, he ran and we just hugged and we were attached at the hip." You say

"With you till  the end of the line." You say with a serious face.

"Was that a quote?" Ellen asks

"BUCKY AND STEVE!" You exclaim

"That's my girl. With her Marvel quotes. " Tom says

"Wait, wait, wait. Your girl?" She asks

You're eyes widen and Tom's eyes widen.

"Were best friends! Were not dating!" Tom says frantically.

"Oh really?" Ellen says

"No!" Tom exclaims.

"Oh just stop you silly goose. They know." You say

"Yeah, were dating." Tom says

The crowd cheers and Tom puts an arm around your shoulders and you blush.

"All the Y/s/n shippers are probably freaking out right now." Ellen says

"Probably." You say laughing.

"Ok. You heard it here first folks Y/n L/n and Tom Holland are dating! Anyway Tom, do you have a stunt double?" Ellen asks

"Yes, I do. I would say I do about 80-85 percent of my stunts while my stunt double does a lot of the stunts too. Like that one stunt where Peter was dunked in a lake. That was him." He says

"What's his name?" She asks

You were shaking with excitement.

"Y/n, wanna say it?" Tom asks

"Holland Diaz!" You exclaim.

"His name is Holland Diaz?" Ellen asks smiling.

"Yeah, He is my stuntman he did the shed scene and the lake scene for Homecoming." Tom smiles

"Tom Holland and Holland Diaz huh? Meant to be!" Ellen says

"It was!" Tom laughs

"What about you Y/n? Do you have a stunt double?" She asks

"I do, her name is Melody and I do have a background in gymnastics but some of the dangerous stuff like the scene where I jump into the lake to help Peter she had to do that because it was kinda dangerous." You say

"But that scene where I did a backflip off the dumpster that was me." You say smiling.

Everyone cheers and claps.

"Ok we're gonna play a game!" She says clapping her hands together.

"This is a new one. It's trivia. And today you're gonna be doing Marvel trivia!" She says

Everyone cheers and she leads you and Tom to a buzzer.

Tom stands in front of a buzzer while you stand in front of another buzzer.

"Whoever wins gets bragging rights and a prize! You'll find out when one wins." She says

"Lets go!" She says

"What was the first movie in the MCU?" She asks

You hit the buzzer.

"Iron man!" You exclaim

"Correct!" She exclaims

"Where was Captain America born?" She asks

Tom hits the buzzer.

"Brooklyn!" Tom says

"Yes!" She says

"What is the mascot of Midtown high in Spider-Man homecoming?" She asks

"A tiger!" You exclaim after hitting the buzzer.

"Yes!" She exclaims.

"What does S.H.I.E.L.D stand for?" She exclaims

You and Tom were silent for a second until you hit the buzzer.

"Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division!" You exclaim

"Woah! She got it!" Ellen says

"What is another name for the reality stone?" She asks

Tom hits the buzzer.

"The aether!" Tom exclaims

"Yes!" She says

"What is another name for the space stone?" She asks

Tom hits the buzzer.

"The tesseract!" He exclaims

"Ok! You are tied. Last question." She says

"What is Iron mans suit made of?" She asks

You hit the buzzer.

"Titanium!" You exclaim

"Yes! Y/n wins!" She exclaims

You jump around and Tom laughs.

She gives you (whatever prize you want).

"Thank you to Tom and Y/n for being here! And Spider-Man Homecoming comes out in theaters July 7th! And everyone here gets IMAX tickets!" She exclaims

You and Tom jump around.

When you got back to the rented house you got later that day Tom plopped on the couch and you plopped next to him.

"I love you darling." He says

"I love you too." You reply.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:877

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