The trip part 2 (BB)

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Your POV
We were now on our way to the forest.
To practice hunting.
We stopped by at a store first before we went to the forest.

"YES!" I yell
"What is it babe?" Bradley asks
"Ohhhh! That's good babe." Bradley says and picks up some food too.

After paying for everything we started driving to the forest.


We got to the forest and it looked beautiful.

The trees were covered in snow and so was the ground, little bunnies hopping around occasionally.

We get out of the car and Bradley puts his hold up.
He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
He rests his head on top of my head.
I cross my arms and hold his hands.

"Alright" Elliot says
"Show em how it's done Caleb" He says

"Ok so, basically you want to widen your stance, and just mash it- like- into the squishy part of your shoulder." He says

"And you just wanna line it up..." He says holding up the gun.

"Hey, shhhh..." Elliot says

We look to where Elliot was looking at.
A bunny.

I gasp.

He looks at Caleb.
Caleb looks back and forth from Elliot to the bunny.

He points his gun at the bunny.

Bradley feels me tense up and he hugs me tighter.

"Caleb don't-." Bradley starts

But Caleb fired the gun.

There was a loud boom.

I gasped loudly.

"Nice shot!" Elliot says smiling and chuckling

"Nice!" Elliot says again

Elliot goes up to the bunny and hits it with the butt of the gun.

We all gasp loudly.
"Look at that!" Elliot says laughing and holding the dead bunny.

I turn around and bury my face into Bradley's chest.
He hugs me very tightly.

"What? Were we supposed to just let him suffer?" Elliot asks

There was a moment of silence.

"What do you think was gonna happen?" He asks

"I-I didn't think I'd hit it." Caleb says

"Jesus, you guys are soft." Elliot says

I was still not going to look at the bunny.
Or Elliot.

"Fine let's just-let's just go." Elliot says

I hear the snow crunching from underneath his feet.

"Hey.. hey it's ok now." Bradley says soothingly.
I still don't look up.

He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.
"It's ok..." he says
I just nod at him.

"You ok?" Bradley asks Caleb and I.
"Yeah..." He replies
"I'm fine." I say

We walk back to the car.

Little did I know that was just the beginning of what was going to happen next...

Sorry I haven't updated this mini story!
I haven't watched Edge of Winter yet so yeah...
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!!!
Word count:475

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora