One of us (PP)

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This is an Au! So things will be very different.😁
I came up with this idea while looking at tress so Yeah... 😂

3rd Person POV


They were different in the world and not
They were basically illegal.

There were many people out there who despised it and many other people who accept it and are fighting for it to be accepted in this world. Change the laws.

Many people were in hiding because of their powers.
There were different types of powers in the world.
Telekinesis, Lightning powers, speed, strength,
Spider powers...

All those people who harbored those powers were either in hiding for living normal lives not using their powers at all.

Or there are some of them who didn't even know about their powers...

Peter Parker.

He didn't know of his powers until the age of 14.
But the only one who knew about them was his aunt.
Until one day...

It was a normal day for the boy,
Just going to school, getting good grades, being a normal teenager.
That was until Flash Thompson, who was his ex best friend from Middle School, who he trusted with his secret in Freshman year, ratted him out.

Now he was on the run from the government.
They didn't know what he looked like or what his powers were, so they could've been chasing a random person for all they know.
Once Peter got deep enough into the forest he stopped.

He sat down and took in deep breaths to calm himself. And get more air in his lungs after all that running.
He wasn't being chased but his Aunt told him to go before he could get hurt.

Then with his enhanced hearing he heard something.
He immediately stood up and looked at his surroundings.
'Maybe it was just a squirrel' he thought.

That's until he looked at a certain tree and found a girl hanging upside down from it...

On a web.

Your POV
I was patrolling the area just in case there was anyone looking for us.
I was looking around and saw a boy.
Curious I walked to a near by tree climbed up it and shot a web so that I was upside down.

All of a sudden he shot up and looked around him.
I just hung there.
His eyes then landed on me.

He screams, so I scream and fall off the web.
"What the?! Who are you?!" He exclaims
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I exclaim

"Hold on... you were hanging from a web?" He asks
"Are you working for them?" I ask
"No! No! I'm actually on the run." He says
"Why?" I ask
"The same reason why you were hanging upside down just now." He says

I gasp.

"You have powers too?" I ask
"Yeah." He says
"Why here?" I ask
"If I go anywhere else... they would find me." He says
"Wait... how do I know you have powers?" I ask sassily.
He shoots a web from his hands and then webs up a branch to the tree.
"Ok." I say

"What's your name?" I ask
"Peter. Peter Parker." He says
"Y/n. Y/n L/n." I reply

"What are you doing here? Besides being on the run too?" He asks
"I'm not on the run. I'm hiding out." I say
"Where?" He asks looking around him probably searching for the place I was hiding out at.

"Actually... it's not only me... there's a bunch of people also hiding out.... people like us..." I say
He looks at me in awe.
"Really?" He asks
"Yeah!" I say
"Wanna come with me? You'll be safe there." I say

He hesitates for a moment then agrees.
He follows me to the place we were hiding out at.
Having small talk on the way there.

We stopped.
In front of us was a beautiful lake and beautiful mountains.
The place I called home.

I look over to Peter and he was in awe at how beautiful the place was.
Then I shot a web and swung over to the mountains.
Peter followed.

We got to the area I was looking for and just stood there.
I put in the password and my handprint into the hidden keypad and the door opened.

"Are you ready to meet people like you?" I ask
"Yeah!" He exclaims
I smile and walk in with him.
After a few minutes a whole civilization in the mountains was revealed.

"Welcome to my home." I say

Comment if you do want one!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:779

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن