The end of the world (PP) (part 1)

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This was a request from PeaceGalaxyGirl !
I hope you like it!!!

Your POV
I was sitting on my couch waiting for b/f/n to come.

We were going to hang out today!
We decided to meet at 10:00, go to lunch somewhere and then just hang out.
We would've done Saturday, but we were both busy that day, so Sunday would do.

I was playing one of my favorite video games on my tv when someone starts banging on the door.
I put the controller down and head over to the door.

I check the peephole and it was B/f/n!
I open the door and she grabs me by the shoulders and starts shaking me.
She stops shaking me.

"No, what?" I ask

She sighs and exclaims.

I gasp, grab the remote and try to change the tv to the news, but B/f/n grabs my wrist.

"Don't. The guy said he'll only say it once." She says
'That's weird and kinda dumb too.' You think

"What will we do?" I ask and sit down on the couch.

She looks at me and thinks.

"We can do everything on your bucket list, like I did!" She exclaims throwing her hands up in the air.

I was still sat on the couch, confused.

"Wait, You did yours already?" I ask

"Yeah, there wasn't much on it." She says shrugging and smiling.

I stand up and smile.
"Let's get started then!" I exclaim


We did almost everything on the bucket list on Sunday, but we didn't have enough time to do it all.

The only 2 left were...
"Watch the stars at night" we were gonna do that after school.


"Kiss Peter Parker"

Wow... kiss Peter... I've had a crush on the guy since 5th grade!

I walked outside to the school to see if it was still open.
I brought my bag just in case.

It wasn't shut down though...
on the day the world ends?

I walk inside and no one as a tiny bit scared!

Everything was... normal.
Classes were going on as usual, and no one was freaking out.

I walked to first period which was trigonometry.
Which I had a quiz in.... great.

It was the last period of the day.
Which I had with Peter.

The bell was going to ring any minute now, so everybody was packing up.
The bell rings and everyone starts filing out of the classroom.

"Hey Peter!" I say
He turns around and looks at me.
"Hey. What's up? Do you need anything Y/n?" He asks

It's now or never.

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.
It was fast.
I broke away and run out of the classroom, leaving a stunned Peter Parker behind.
I run all the way home.

I get home and I go upstairs and grab the stuff I packed previously in another bag.
B/f/n and I were going to meet up at that one tower that we hang out at all the time.

As I left the house and locked the door,
I thought about how I kissed Peter.

Hope you like how it turned out PeaceGalaxyGirl !!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:579

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora