4th of July Special!

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Your POV
Everyone is coming to the tower to celebrate!
Including Peter. I've had the biggest crush on him for a long time! I just wish he would ask me out already.

It's already 4:30 so everyone should be arriving soon. When the fireworks start we are going to go to the roof to watch them! Aunt May is coming too! She just thinks I'm inviting them because Peter is my friend. That's true! But he's actually Spider-Man and he's basically an avenger so yeah...

"Y/N get down here! Everyone's here!" Dad yells
"Coming Dad!" I reply
Yes. The one and the only Tony Stark is my father. The Genius, Playboy,Billionaire, Philanthropist is indeed my father. And the Avengers are basically my family. I tie my hair quickly into a ponytail and head downstairs.
"Hey guys!" I say
"Hey Y/N!" Everyone replies
I see Peter and smile at him, he smiles his adorable smile back. I blush.
"HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!" Everyone replies
I laugh
"Around 8 is when the fireworks start so we have about 4 hours to do stuff!" Dad says
"Wanna play Monopo-." Peter tries to say
I quickly cover his mouth with my hand.
"We never speak of that game." I say
Peter tilts his head in a cutely confused way.
"The last time we played that game, Thor lost so he got angry, made it thunderstorm and threw the game out the window." I whisper to him.
His eyes widen slightly and nods his head slowly.
I take my hand off his mouth and smile.
"Wanna play Mario Kart?" Wanda asks
"Sure! IM BEATING ALL OF YOU!" I yell out loud.
"YOU WISH!" Dad yells
"WANNA GO DAD?!" I yell.
"It's about to go down!" Rhodey yells
" Bet 50 bucks Y/N wins." Bucky says
"I bet 50 bucks Tony wins" Sam says
"Deal?" Bucky says and puts his hand out for Sam to shake it
"Deal" Sam says and takes Bucky's hand and shakes it.
I laugh at the two and Dad and I set up.
We start the game.
Halfway through the game,
I finally use my blue turtle shell.
I use it.
It hits him.
"Y/N!" He yells
I just smirk and drive past him.

*Last lap*

I'm in 2nd place and Peter is in 1st and he knows how competitive I get.
"YEET!" I yell and speed last him.
"DARN IT Y/N!" He yells
"MWHAHAHAHAHA" I laugh out loud
"HOW IS SHE SO GOOD AT THIS?!" Wanda yells.
"Her competitiveness is scary." Nat adds, and to be honest Nat is quite hard to scare.
I race past the finish line and win the whole thing.
"OH YEAH!" I yell and jump up
"Ok no need to go all Kool-Aid man on us." Dad says and I sit down. And just smile at them.
"You owe me 50 bucks now Sam." Bucky says
"YOU MEAN 50 BUCKY'S!" I yell
Everyone looks at me.
"I like puns ok." I say
"Ok..." everyone replies.
"What Time is it?" Thor asks
"5:30" Bruce replies.

"Ok 3 more hours." I say
"I'm going to bake. Anyone wanna come with?" I ask
Wanda,Nat and Aunt May raise their hands.
"Go ahead sweetie." Dad says
"FOLLOW ME BAKERS." I say and march to the kitchen, I hear them giggling.

*In the kitchen*

"Soooo...Y/N...." Wanda says
"Hm?" I ask getting out the cupcake tins,
" Do you like Peter?" She asks
"HUH?!"I reply and quickly turn around and blush.
"Do you like the guy?" Nat asks
"I've seen the way you look at him Y/N!" Aunt May says
"Um...fine... yeah I do..." I reply
"He will totally ask you to be his girlfriend! I can feel it!" Wanda says
"Yeah! Y/N I think he likes you too." Nat adds
"He won't stop talking about you!" Aunt May says
"Really?" I ask
"DEFINITELY!" They all yell at the same time.
I smile at all of them.
"Anyway... what are we making?" Wanda asks
"A cupcake cake!" I say.
"Ooooo!" Aunt May says
"There's a lot of us so we might have to make two." Nat adds
"One is like 48 cupcakes so I think we're good to go!" I say
"Ok! Lets start!" Aunt May says

*After baking*

"Ok! That was fun! They're delicious! I already tasted them." I say
"I didn't ruin anything!"Aunt May says excitedly
"Great job Aunt May!" I say and give her a hug.
"That was cool!" Wanda says
"Awesome." Nat adds
I check the clock.
"It's 6:50" I say
"Wow" Wanda says

Peters POV
(This was when the bakers just went to the kitchen)
All the guys turned to look at me.
"So... Spider-Man" Rhodey says
"Yeah...?" I ask
"Do you like Y/N?" Mr.Stark asks
"Uhhh. No?" I say
They all give me a look.
"Fine... yeah I do... a lot." I say
"You should ask her out." Bruce says
"She's probably into you too!" Scott says
"You think?" I ask
"She won't stop talking about you." Steve, Sam, Bucky, Thor And Mr. Stark say,
"W-wait, W-what? S-She talks about m-me?" I stutter
"Yup!" Everyone says
"So what you guys are saying is I should ask her out?" I say
"You should just totally ask her to be your girlfriend dude." Sam says
"WHAT?!" I yell
"I think she would like that very much actually. She has a HUGE crush on you kid." Me. Stark says,
"Hold on... you approve of me sir?" I ask
"Of course. I think you will take care of her. And I've seen the way she looks at you."
"But if you break her heart, we break you." Home. Stark says
"Ok... so I confess to her then I just ask her to be my girlfriend?" I say
"Sounds good man." Sam says
"Ok....." I say

*Time skip to 7:45*

Your POV
"Time to go up to the roof!" Dad says
"Ok." We all reply and head up there.
We get on the roof and just start talking.
"I'll help you get them." Peter says
I look at everyone and see them all smirking, INCLUDING DAD.

Peter and I head downstairs and get the cupcakes.
It was silent until Peter spoke up.
"Listen....Y/N?" He asks
"Hm?" I say and look up at him
"I....like you.... a lot...." he says
"You What?" I say and look at him in disbelief

"I like you. A lot. But I understand if you don't like me or anything, it's just that your dad and everyone says that you like me, but I don't know if it's true or not. So if you reject me I will eventually get over it but-." He starts to ramble
"Peter." I say and walk over to him
"Yeah?" He asks and looks at me in the eyes
" I like you too.... a lot..." I say
"Really?" He says
I smile a little and nod my head.

He stands there and plays with his fingers.
"C-Can I kiss y-you?" He asks
"Sure." I say and smile.
He steps toward me and snakes his hands around my waist I snake my arms around his neck and he kisses me. I kiss back with fireworks going off in my stomach. I smile a little into the kiss. We break away after a little bit and we smile at each other.
"Well we better get this to the roof huh?" I say and we break away from each other.
"Yeah we should." He says and smiles.
He helps me pick up the cake and we head up the stairs.

We get there and we drop off the cake on the table.
We smile at each other then go out separate ways.
I walked up to Wanda, Nat and Aunt May.
"What took you two so long?" Nat asks
"We....uh..... we kissed." I say
"REALLY?!" They yell but I also hear the guys yell that too, Peter must've told them.
"FINALLY!" Aunt May says
"Thought it would never happen!" Nat says then the fireworks go off.

I walk over to the ledge and watch them.
I see Peter walk next to me. I scoot a little closer to him, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into his shoulder.
"So...is it too early to ask you to be my girlfriend?" He says looking nervous.
"Umm... no it isn't..." I say and smile at him.

"Ok... will you be my girlfriend?" He asks
"Of course you dork." I say
"But I'm your dork right?" He asks
I pull him into a kiss then we break away
"What do you think...?" I ask him and smile
"Yeah, I am your dork." He replies
The fireworks keep going. And we look back at them.

"Happy 4th of July Peter." I say
"Happy 4th of July Y/N." He replies

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1568

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