Tessa (TH)

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Your POV
Tom, Laura, and I all sit in chairs on a stage because we are doing a little panel sort of thing in Brazil.
The interviewer guy (I don't know what to call him lol.😂)
He sits at the very end while Tom sits next to him in another chair, I'm in the middle, and Laura is at the other end.

Tom was talking about how he reacted to becoming Spider-Man.

" so I scared my poor dog so I ran-Tessa! Aww! You guys know Tessa! Awww! I love you guys so much!" Tom exclaims and the crowd goes wild.
"Yeah. I wish she could be here.She would be sitting right here." He says and pats the spot next to him.
"Aw. I'm getting a little sad." He says
Everyone awwwwws.

Then I suddenly remembered that I have something in the back to get.
"Excuse me." I say and get up
"Where are you going love?" Tom asks
Everyone awwws when he calls me love.
We've just recently announced that we're engaged. Magazines are literally calling us
The 'It' couple, or superhero couple.

"I have to get something backstage." I reply and walk off to backstage.
I go to the room where Harrison was and I see Tessa sitting on the floor. Just chillin.
I smile.
"It's time?" He asks
"Yup! It's definitely time." I reply and smile.
I go over to Tessa and pet her.
"Are you ready to see Tom?" I ask
She looks up at me when I say Tom.
I smile.
"Are you ready?" I ask again
She then gets up and starts running around the room.
I laugh and take her with me.
"You coming Haz?" I ask
"Nah. Just gonna chill." He says
"Ok. See ya later!" I say
"See ya." He replies

I look out and see that Tom is quite immersed in the crowd and he is very distracted.
I look at Tessa again and I pick her up.
She doesn't squirm in my arms she just chills.
I walk out onto the stage with Tessa in my arms and everyone awwwws again.
Tom looks over to me and then looks at Tessa.
His eyes widen and his mouth drops open.
Tom comes up to me and starts petting Tessa.
Then he suddenly kisses me.
Everyone screams and cheers.
I kiss back and then we pull away.

"Love. What's she doing here? Oh my goodness! Hi Tessa!" He says Tessa licks his face.
" I'll explain everything hon." I say
We go back to our seats and I put Tessa down.
She immediately ran to Tom.
She gets up on his chair and sits right next to him. Like where he said she would be.

I pick up the mic and start explaining.
"So. All the way from England I brought Tessa with me. So since I was doing something beforehand I had to take the other private jet.
Tom was already here. So before I got here, I went to England and got Tessa and brought her with me. I know how much Tom loves and misses her, and I missed her too. I flipping love her! So I brought her here." I say
Everyone claps and cheers

Tessa then gets off Toms chair, comes over to me and starts licking my face.
I pet her affectionately.
"Thank you so much love, for doing this." Tom says
"Anything for you hon." I say
So for the rest of the panel/interview, Tessa was either by me, or by Tom.
She would also come over to Laura and let her pet her.


We finished the interview and were back at our pet friendly hotel.
"How did you get her here without me noticing darling?" Tom asks
"She stayed in Harrison's room, which is a little ways from us." I say
"Thank you so much love." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You're welcome. And like I said. I love Tessa!" I say
He chuckles and kisses me passionately.
I kiss back.

We break away because we needed air.
Tom and I smile at each other and then start playing with Tessa.

Hey guys!
So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:728

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora