first time~day six (smut)

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i accredit my homosexuality to the gif above hhhh

plot: porn with plot, hella romantic bc i'm a slut for that rn. this is not only u and audrey's first time together but first time in general. i thought that it would be nice to have a plot where this is something they get to share. pussy eating and lots of it. 

Audrey's POV

I honestly can't believe that I'm with her. (y/n) is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I still get butterflies when I remember when we confessed our feelings for one another. 

"I started falling for you in like, seventh grade," she says blushing profusely. Her soft hair is falling in her face, and I'm so consumed by her beauty and the intense joy that's shooting through my heart. 

"I think I've been falling for you since the day we met, I just didn't know that's what that was..."

She is all of my favorite memories. Everything from her first day in Lakewood to that amazing night when I realized we were meant to be all along means more to me than any other experience I've had. 

We've been together officially for a month. On our first date, I drove us out to this park where you can see the whole city on top of this hill. We sat on the hood of my car and looked at stars until the sun came up. We talked and talked and it felt like the simplest things she said were tiny miracles that only she could create. After that, we spent our alone time in various places around Lakewood that I never thought I would visit with a girl. It's strange, feeling like a real couple, but I couldn't be happier to be hers. I want to do something really special for our next date, though. 

One night, before we confessed our feelings, (y/n) came over to my house to stay the night. We were sitting on my bed, she was painting my nails. Our legs were crossed over each other's in such an intimate way. Having her that close to me was complete torture; I was practically holding my breath the entire time, I can still remember how warm and tingly it felt having her body wrapped around me and her hands touching mine.

"It's like we've never seen hands before," she said, laughing softly. She looked up at me shyly - God, she is so beautiful. She swallowed, and tucked her hair behind her ear. I want to kiss her but I don't know how to tell her. 

"Actually, I was looking at you," I heard myself saying. Her cheeks get red and we lock eyes. My head starts swirling and my heart is pounding. Does she know? Does she feel this, too? I want to get closer to her, close as I can possibly get -

"Audrey! (y/n)! Why aren't you answering your phones?!" Noah burst into my room. (y/n) hastily pulled away from me. "Anyway, I have a lead on Branson..."

I often think about how things might have gone if Noah hadn't walked in. I would have given anything to have stayed in that hazy state of mind with her. So, tonight, I want to try to recreate that. I'm inviting (y/n) over for a movie night, and my dad is out of town. (y/n) is telling her mom that she's sleeping over at Emma's, so I'm pretty sure she's planning on spending the night. I'll be honest - I'm slightly hoping that we could do more than just kiss tonight. I don't want to freak her out, but I've dreaming about that for years now. Besides, (y/n) has dropped some serious hints before about the two of us having sex. The first time she said it she said she was joking. Then a week later she got totally wasted and went on a very dirty rant about how badly she wanted to get in bed with me. She didn't speak to me at all the following day out of sheer embarrassment. After that, she just started taking her flirting to another level, and all my friends constantly tell me she's trying to send me a signal. I guess I'll find out tonight. 


Your POV

audrey jensen/bex taylor-klaus smut imagines Where stories live. Discover now