strip tease~day four (smut-ish?)

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plot: audrey walks in on you changing and freaks out, so you "reassure" her. 

Audrey is the most caring, attentive, and sensitive girlfriend I've ever had. Her friends say I bring out this whole other side of her. I love how concerned she gets when I show up late somewhere or don't answer her calls. She does it in a way that doesn't feel clingy or over-protective. She honestly just cares deeply for me. It's an amazing feeling. 

However, part of me wishes she wasn't always so sweet. I see the look in her eyes when I wear something she likes, or throw my neck back when I laugh. She's dark, just in general. She lightens up around me, but I want a little bit of that darkness in our love. 

I've talked to Brooke about this before. She always laughs at me.

"You know Audrey is new to relationships. No matter how much she's into you - and trust me, she so is - you're going to have to spell it out for her that you aren't made of glass."

I know that Brooke's right, it's just hard for me to be that extremely direct without implying something really sexual. And it does go both ways, I don't want to freak Audrey out, either. We've been dating for a few months, and we haven't had sex yet. I'm not a virgin - I doubt that Audrey is, either - but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm good at initiating this stuff. 

So I made a plan before going to Audrey's place. I might have intentionally left the door unlocked when I went to get changed, and I might have intentionally stolen her phone so that she would come looking for it. 

Just as I start to unbutton my jeans, the door opens. 

"Hey babe, have you seen my -" Audrey freezes when she sees me. I'm wearing a flannel that's unbuttoned about halfway, so that you can see my bralette. She raises her arms in surprise, and they land in that soft mess of hair she has. I love how she plays with it when she's nervous. Her eyes keep darting from me to the door like she's having a hard time looking away from me. 

"God, I am so sorry," she stammers, "I'll uh, I'll go now."

"Audrey, wait."

She couldn't turn around faster at these words. I smile at her softly. 

"It's okay. Come here."

She hesitantly starts for me, then pauses. 

"If you want to," I add hastily.

"No, no, I do," she says, slowly crossing over to me. 

She comes over to me and rests her hands on my hips, giving me a light kiss. She smells like blackberries and everything you could possibly want in the world. 

"What would you say if I told you I left the door unlocked," I hear myself saying. I'm stupid nervous. I have no idea how Audrey is going to react to this. Audrey tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"I would say...that turns me on a little?" she says playfully, but shyly. 

I take a step in closer, kissing her. She returns it and leaves with a small bite on my lower lip. 

"Do you want to watch me finish?" I say into her mouth. 

She pulls back from me, "Wait, you mean like? - "


"No, god no, I meant like, finish undressing," I stammer.

Though I wouldn't really mind that thing you were talking about. 

She relaxes, "Um, yeah. I would love to."

I take her arm and lead her to the bed, having her sit on the edge of it. I've never done something like this before. By the looks of Audrey, she's never seen something like this before. She's watching me with anticipation that both encourages me and scares me. I really hope I don't mess this up. 

audrey jensen/bex taylor-klaus smut imagines Where stories live. Discover now