naked cuddles~day one

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Audrey's POV

I close the door behind me gently, trying not to make noise. I see (y/n) curled up in my bed, sleeping peacefully. She looks adorable laying there, her hair messily spread about the pillows and her lips slightly parted. 

After all the murders, (y/n) hasn't felt safe sleeping in her own bed. She says she feels too isolated and vulnerable in her room alone. So, whenever we can, she stays the night and we share a bed. We've only been dating for a few weeks now, but I'm crazy about her. Falling asleep together is my favorite thing. It's the only thing that calms the fear and anger I've felt since I lost Rachel. 

(y/n)'s insomnia is brutal. We used to stay up half the night talking and kissing, but now she comes over and immediately crashes on my bed. She says she can only sleep when she's here. I normally hold her until she falls asleep then I take a shower. 

Right now I'm sitting on the edge of the bed in my towel, just watching her sleep. Slightly creepy, maybe, but it's hard to look away from someone as stunning as her. 

Suddenly I hear her start to groan. Slightly concerned, I move a little closer to her. 

"Mmm, mmmM," she grumbles in her sleep, twitching slightly. She told me that she's been having nightmares ever since Riley was murdered. I consider waking her up. I don't want her to suffer, but I'm not sure if it's worth it since she never sleeps. She keeps letting out little noises, and her face is scrunched up in what I just assume is fear. She gets louder and louder and starts to thrash more. It's definitely a nightmare. 

"God, ah, oh," she says, barely audible. I gently shake her shoulder, and I notice...oh my god, is she sleeping naked? She throws her neck back, I think she's trying to scream. I shake her more, trying to wake her up as smoothly as I can. 

"Audrey!" she calls out as I finally wake her up. She involuntarily throws my hand off of her, making me lose my grip on my towel. It slips as she looks at me. 

"Audrey!" she says again, looking flustered, "I..."

Your POV

It wasn't a clear picture. I know she's there, though. My fingers are laced through her hair, and she's kissing the insides of my thighs. It's soft and hazy and I don't want it to stop. I can feel her presence all around me. That hazy feeling becomes more powerful, turning into pleasure. I try to say her name, but I can't get the sound out. Why can't I talk? That good feeling spreads through my body, and I come to saying, 


I see her, with wet hair stuck to her forehead in places and her bare chest. Holy fuck...

I've never seen her naked before, hell, I've never seen anyone naked in person before. 

She's absolutely gorgeous. 

"(y/n)! I'm so sorry, I thought you were having a nightmare," she stammers, desperately trying to cover herself. 

"It's fine, Audrey, don't worry," I say, sitting up in bed. She glances down at my chest and her eyes dart away. I look down and - oh shit, it's easier for me to sleep naked, but what was I thinking? - 

"No, I'm sorry for waking you and looking at you and for everything else and god I should just go," she says, jumping up off the bed. Unfortunately, she drops her towel again while doing so. 


I throw all the blankets to the side, completely exposing my body to her. 

"Audrey, calm down. Just get in bed with me," I say. 

Her eyes keep darting around, trying not to look directly at me. Hesitantly, she climbs in beside me. 

I pull her closer to me, "It's okay, you can look at me," I whisper.

She holds me by my hips, her bangs falling in her face in the sweetest way. I can hear her breathing as she looks down at me. I curl myself into her as she wraps the blankets back around us. 

I fall asleep again, her skin is the most soothing feeling. 


audrey jensen/bex taylor-klaus smut imagines Where stories live. Discover now