"Hello, Miss Wilson. I'm Doctor Sanchez."


I tried to prop myself up again, but couldn't gather the strength too.

"Woah, now. I wouldn't move too much with an injury like that you're going to be hurting for awhile."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, that's what I came in to share with you. I can't actually diagnose you yet without running some test, but by the looks of the swelling around your knee I'm almost 100% sure that you tore your ACL and possibly also tore your meniscus. Like I said we need to run some tests on your knee so I can see if it's a complete tear and see how quick we can get you into surgery."

"My ACL? But, what about dance?"

"Dance may still be a possibility, but it's going to be awhile and a long road of recovery before that's an option again."

"Bu- I- I need to dance. It's the whole reason why I'm here in LA. My entire scholarship is based on the fact I'm suppose to be able to move both of my legs!"

"We can't say for sure what your injury fully entails, but this is nothing like a sprained ankle. Some athletes don't recover from things like this, but it is not a life ending injury either. With proper physical therapy and a positive mindset to get your strength back you could possibly be back to dancing before you know it.

I looked at Dr. Sanchez and heard him talking but wasn't listening. All I heard was that today could have possibly been that last day I ever dance again. He stopped talking and had a concerned look on his face. All I could feel was anger and like my life was shattering before me. Dance helped me in more way than I could describe. It was a way of escape and it made me find away to escape the dark place that I was in for so long. The thought of it being ripped away from me made me wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. I couldn't fathom the thought of not being able to dance again. My parents counted on me to make my dream a reality. They trusted me that I knew what I was talking about and dance wasn't just some "hobby."  My face became red with anger and I felt tears start to roll down my face.

"Look, I know it's a lot to grasp-"

"No! You don't fucking understand! Dance is literally all I have! I'm not going to be able to go to school without dance! I-I can't do anything else! This is all I got. I don't have a back up plan or-or something I'm good at! I need to dance! Please tell me there's something we can do! Please!"

"Miss Wilson, please calm down."

I felt streams of tears rolling down my face and splashing on my hospital blanket. I felt my face grow to be extremely hot and all I wanted to do is scream.

"Miss Wilson, I know this is hard and it seems like there isn't hope, but there is. A torn ACL isn't something to joke about, but I never said you could be done dancing for forever. Unfortunately, you don't have many options though. Surgery is truly the best option for you and is highly recommended. It is a long healing process, but it can be worth it. The front desk has gotten in contact with your parents and I believe they are on the next flight out here. I'm going to go into more detail with them and discuss how they want to go about this when they arrive."

I just looked down and my vision got blurry because of the tears.

"I believe you have some visitors outside, if you want to see them."

"Yea, they can come in..."

Dr. Sanchez got up and closed the door behind him. I just broke down and started bawling. I heard the door open again but didn't even care to look up and see who it was.


I tried to stop crying and pull myself together. I looked up and saw Kayla, Austin and Zion. I looked at Z and just started bawling all over again. Kayla rushed over and hugged me. I head her voice start to break when she tried to talk.

"Oh, Nessa. I'm so sorry. What happened?"

"I-I" I couldn't even finish a sentence.

My crying just kept growing louder until I was fully weeping. I couldn't believe it. It felt like the most important thing was ripped away from me. Nothing was definite but it felt like I had already lost dance. After awhile I finally was able to calm down. I wiped my face and took a deep breath. I felt Kayla start to let go. I looked up at Z.

"Uh.. I'm gonna go see if I can get ahold of your mom. Austin come on."

Austin and Kayla left the room, and Z sat next me on my bed. I could see he hated seeing me like this, and was trying to hold back tears.

"Babe, what happened?'

"I don't know. I-I just was practicing the combo like I had done before and I just heard my leg pop, and a rush of unbearable pain come over my entire body. They-they think uhm.. they think it's my ACL."

I looked down and paused and could feel the tears flooding back. I felt them stream down my face.

"They don't know if I'll be able to dance again, Z"


I started to cry again and felt him sit next to me on the hospital bed and pull me and just hug me. He hugged me so tight like he was scared of what was going to happen if he let go. We just sat there, holding onto each other as if everything depended on it. I didn't want to let go, and I felt like I couldn't. It was as if everything would come crashing down again. I just cried in his arms. I felt myself start to calm down and start to doze off.


I tried to roll over and felt a seize of pain circulate through my entire lower half. I winced in pain, and Zion opened his eyes.

"Are-are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I just forgot and tried to roll over."

I looked over and saw Kayla asleep in the chair in the corner.

"I can head back to the house, so you can have a good sleep if you want."

"No, I want you to stay."

"You sure?"

"Postive. I'm just not really tired anymore. I'm starting to feel some pain."

"I can go grab the doctor."

"I can just press the button."

"No, I'll go get him. I'm getting hungry so I'm gonna check out the vending machines. You want anything?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you though."

I kind of smirked and look down at the hospital blanket on my bed.

"Hey, don't do that. Don't go to that place. Everything's going to be okay."

"But it isn't, Z. I don't know if I'll ever be able to dance again."

"I know you, and some doctor with a bunch of papers isn't going to decide what's going to happen to you. You've worked so hard, and you're not going to let something like this stop you.  Everything will be okay, I promise."

I looked up at him and started to tear up.

"Thank you."

"I love you, Nessa."

"I love you too."

He leaned over and kissed me, but this time it was different. It was like a kiss filled with so many emotions. It was like he was kissing me so I wouldn't collapse into a million pieces, like a kiss filled with pain and lost hope, and a kiss like he wanted to take my pain away, but knew he couldn't. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I felt him place his hands on the bed and lean into me. I heard to door knob jiggle again and then saw the door open.


I pulled away and Z stood up next to me.

"Mom! Dad! Hey..."

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